How the hell did I become a Medium?

Back in 2008 I started on a path that I never knew would lead to speaking to dead people.  You read that right, dead people.  I had contracted lyme disease, (New Jersey is a wonderful place, but also filled with ticks), and well, I got lyme.

I went to the doctor to get B-12 shots because I couldn't stay awake for three months, he ran some blood tests and I tested positive for 3 different strains of lyme.  I should have know (not for a minute) as I couldn't even stay awake in the doctors office.  But you can read more about that HERE.

So I did the 30 days of antibiotics and still felt like death.  I posted to Facebook to anyone that could help, and a friend of mine suggested I send a photo, my name and birthdate and my symptoms to a women in New York.  My friend said that this woman helped her, and that she could probably help me.

Anyway, she helped me using Total Body Analysis and I had to know everything about this miracle in a bottle, that helped me completely get back to normal.  After purchasing a few remedies for my family and myself, I had to know how to do what she was doing.  I asked her 100 questions and she referred me to the "parent" company that taught Total Body Analysis.  Fortunately for me, I have the world's most supportive husband and I bought everything to do and learn about Total Body Analysis.

Total Body Analysis uses kinesiology to "test" a subject and then uses vials along with kinesiology to "treat" the person or animal.  Again, I will get into this another time, but, I can also test people over the phone, on the other side of the world, and get the same result as if they were standing right in the room with me.  But how? ....Energy.  We are all made up of energy, Dah, right? Well, we are.  As I became more and more proficient at this, I then learned about, what I call, Emotional Release.  I read  the book The Emotion Code and starting using the same kinesiology methods I had been using and married them with what I learned in the Emotion Code.  This process allows me to "find" trapped emotions and heart walls, and release them.  (It's kind of like 40 years of therapy in an hour).

So I started to realize that illness, people, emotions, you name, it can be "tested" and treated long distance... the plot thickens!!

So then I started to tap into the idea that if I could tap into this living energy, whether the person was in front of me or around the world, perhaps, since energy is neither created nor destroyed, I could tap into the energy of a person who no longer was alive?  Seems normal, right? Well, this is where I headed....

So I started practicing in bed before I would get up in the morning, and sure enough I started to see images.  I knew these images were not from MY memory or life, so what were they?  I focused on someone I wanted to "talk" to and would ask them questions in my head (Yah, sounds completely insane, I know).

The first person I ever read was my grandpa, then I moved onto my grandma and the vision she gave me was amazing.  I called my dad right away and asked him about a kid's bank, he reluctantly said "yes," although I still don't know if he was lying, and thought "holy crap! I saw a vision relayed from someone that's dead!"

There were some moments in the beginning that I was messing with energy and dead people that to this day still "haunt" me, so eventually I reached out to Pat Longo, the Long Island Medium's coach and learned some rules about Mediumship, and how to stay safe and deliver messages. Now I coach other mediums starting out because what she taught me was invaluable to receive messages from the dead.

This is the very very short version, and there is so much interesting stuff about Total Body Analysis and Emotional Release and Mediumship that I will delve into later, but I figured I would give you the Cliff Notes on where I am at these days...talking to dead people, of course.

My view of Mediumship, is perhaps, very different that other Mediums.  I see the world and Mediumship, from a scientific view.  I see all things, words, emotions, and dead people, as energy.  I see the visions they deliver (I actually only "see" dead people, I can't actually hear them),  as energy.

To me, dead people aren't even up for debate, it's not even a conversation whether there is or isn't an afterlife.   To me, and what I have seen, how could there not be? We are never destroyed, we just change from a "solid," to a gas, if you will.

I look forward to sharing with you some of the many amazing experiences I have had with energy and dead people.  How my world has changed and how everything I do, even raising my kids and dealing with the world, has changed with knowing we are never truly gone.

Blessed are we who can never die, only change into something more amazing.

Blessings to you and your world, God is good, and so is today.


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