A Year Of Creation

As we all come to the end of another school year, it allows me extra focus on all that has happened over the last nine months, and to be honest, it has all just flown by.

Emersyn finished her first year of preschool.  I am pretty sure she could have taught the class, but she dutifully sat in her seat, lead the class when asked and made friends.  She was a little hesitant to get up in the morning and eat her breakfast at times, but, as I have been told, this was a normal behavior for her father so I don't blame her entirely.  Emersyn has finished an entire year of gymnastics, dance and is finishing up a session of swim lessons and I look forward to the day when she can leap from the diving boards just like Cody and Skylar!  Every morning when Emersyn comes downstairs her blond, fluffy, half-curly hair make a halo around her face and I have nicknamed this look "Marilyn" because I think she looks like Marilyn Monroe would have looked in the morning.  She is truly a special little girl, mature, kind, smart-as-the-day-is-long and funny.  Emersyn always has "gotten" the joke and I get so excited to see her grow each and every day.

Skylar is finishing up seventh grade.  She has made the honor roll all year, managed to attend six dance classes a week at her dance studio, has stayed in Girl Scouts and is now a Cadette and continues to help me out tremendously with Brock and Emersyn.  Skylar is fearless, adventurous, amazingly smart, has the most beautiful imagination a person could ask for, throws caution to the wind and always is herself.  She has the biggest and brightest dreams for her future and I am so very proud to call her my daughter.  She is so kind to Emersyn and they have the most amazing bond two girls could share.  I am blessed to have knows her for thirteen years and so look forward to the adventure that lies before her at her new school next year.

Cody is finishing up his first year in High School.  I can't believe that after all we have been through, after all of his illness, after all of these fifteen and a half years, Cody is going into his Sophomore year of High School next year.  He has lived with his dad and step-mom for a year and I am so proud of how this year has turned out for him, he is growing into the most AMAZING man.  He is handsome and kind, he is thoughtful and intelligent and he is working so hard to be the man that I know HE looks forward to being.  Cody played freshman football this past year and is going on to play football again in the fall, and I am so proud of his tenacity and hard work.  Cody is one of the smartest people I know.  He can accomplish ANYTHING he puts his mind and hard work into and I get speechless when I think that it was just a few short years ago that I held his little finger through an incubator.  I couldn't be any prouder, where has the time gone?

Brock is rounding out his first year of life.  He has transformed into the most amazing little boy, full of laughter, strength and desire to play.  I can't believe that it was one full year ago that I was waddling around this house waiting for his arrival and now we have BROCK!  How fun!  He is walking about six steps at a time now, he says ball, mama, dada, bird (sort of) and points to the trees, signs "more," signs our version of "all done," can tell us he's thirsty and dances with the best of them!  He loves being chased and playing ball and understands how to play catch and throws the ball back and forth with whomever will sit on the floor with him.  He loves his momma and daddy and we are so blessed to have such a happy, healthy little guy.  He gets into EVERYTHING and I don't have a spare moment to relax, but I know it is God's way of keeping me on my toes so I look at every "BBBRRRROOOOCCCKKKK!!!!" as a reminder to get up and stay active!!!

Jim and I are getting ready to celebrate our fifth year of marriage, we can't believe it.  We have FINALLY sold our house and are looking to HOPEFULLY sign and purchase a home within the next few weeks.  We have so enjoyed this home, welcomed two amazing babies, spent our first years of marriage, enjoyed Cody and Skylar here, cooked here, loved here and laughed here.  We have grown in this home and we have become a family here.  We are both so excited to move into a new home that WE ALL FIT IN and enjoy the next chapter of our life.  I will miss this little house, this is where we dated, this is where Cody lived, this is where we were newlyweds, this is where I was pregnant with Emersyn and Brock, this is where I brought those babies home.  What beautiful memories I get to have!

It is so exciting to fill your life with adventure and positivity.  It is so exciting to look at each experience and realize that THAT moment is allowing you to learn and grow and become even better.  It is so wonderful and delicious to know that with each moment in the past that was good, an even better more amazing life is waiting for me in the future, because we always use today to build tomorrow.

I know that even with every moment of Skylar's beauty, Emersyn's laughter, Brock's nuzzling and Cody's accomplishment, tomorrow is going to be even more amazing.  I know that even though I love my husband today, we have the excitement of growing even closer tomorrow.  I know that even though this house holds so many amazing memories, the new house will inspire even more events tomorrow.  I am blessed with the gift of knowing that in each moment we are creating a better, more beautiful experience.  I know that even if it appears that I don't live with Cody, our relationship is actually growing.  I know that even though I am going to miss nursing Brock, I am going to relish in seeing him run, and that will quench my soul even more.  I know that even though Emersyn is growing up and her little hands are going to get bigger, what she will say and think will make me wonder how the world ever lived without her.  I know that even though my beautiful doe-eyed Skylar isn't going to be my little girl anymore, the woman that she is becoming will be my friend forever.

Change is never just change, it is always what we have created.  The life that I have, I created it, through thought and desire and words, I brought me to this place.  And as I look around at everything that I feel and see and love, I can say I have created a wonderful existence.  I have created a place to look out from that knows peace and love and contentment, and for that I am happy.  Thank you Jim, Cody, Skylar, Emersyn and Brock, thank you for being a part of my experience, thank you for coming into this experience with me and I so look forward to where you all go, you are amazing and I love you with all of my heart.


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