Being taken down by the KGB Today

We are now (as my friend recently called it) STALKING OUR NEW HOUSE.  Or at least the house we are hoping to make a deal on...TODAY?  We made our first bid on this house on Mother's day ...SEVEN...LONG...DAYS...AGOOOOOOOoooooo..... Who takes this long to make a deal on a house?  Who takes this long to do ANYTHING?  We put in an offer and 24 HOURS LATER WE MAY HAVE AN OFFER BACK...HUH? Don't these people know their price?  Don't these people have some sort of an idea what they will take for their house?

Or are they trying to break us down?  Are they trying to shave our heads and make us run in the rain?  Are they trying to make us say "uncle?"  Are they trying to suck our souls our of our cold wet carcases and make us give them more than asking...are they? are they?

Because I think it may just be working.  We Googled the owners.  I told Jim, "he's a lawyer."  Jim said, "he's a professor," we were both right, he's a professor of law.. to funny.  Anyway, he teaches like Russian legal practices, and honestly, I think he is using some Russian KGB interrogation tactics on us for the negotiations of this house price.  He's winning..подразумевайте профессора адвоката (that means "mean lawyer professor" in Russian....

So they gave us their "best and final" offer yesterday and we countered anyway....can't hurt to try.  So now we wait, Russian style.  Drip drip drip drip....I feel his silence.  I feel Mr. Professor Lawyer man sipping his coffee in MY FAMILY ROOM this morning, smirking, hold-out, waiting, patiently, knowing he is making us suffer, knowing we are impatient and knowing we want it now...damn our American impatience.

Jim and I take our 15 minutes to decide on our next move, Professor Lawyer man waits days...taunting us, playing with us....drip drip drip.....

AHHHH just give us your counter already....I have delivered children faster, said yes to a wedding proposal faster and driven to Ohio faster....YOU ARE KILLING US!!!!

I mean come'on...I've got Pinterest pictures on my boards just waiting to decorate this new place...I need to know if it's mine!!


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