Taking Over The World

You know, the fact of the matter is what I'd really like to do is take over the world.  Ya know, make millions, raise all four kids to become successful, law-abiding citizens, recycle, eat organic and have a perfect body...Not necessarily in that order....Oh, wait, I said I wanted it all, there is no order involved.

I read these blogs by women who have successfully turned their blogs into actual million dollar businesses.  They have TV deals, book deals, make money, get tons of free crap, go to blog events all over the country and get paid for speaking engagements....really? How in the world are they doing this?  How do they have the time to be stay-at-home moms, blog, take these amazing photos, edit said photos, publish all this in their blogs and then come up with a brand new, out-of-their-brain recipe and do it again the next day?? How does one have time to do this?

My sister-in-law reads The Pioneer Woman blog and so I have stopped over to her blog a few times to see what the fuss is all about.  Ummm can we say original recipes, award winning photos and oh, yes a TV show, a romance with her husband that he actually lets her write about and four, yes four kids who are all short...which means young, which means....Oh wait and she lives on a farm and cooks and cleans...yeah, I'm not buyin it either....

I mean I'm not over here doing bad or anything (I mean today I am fighting a kidney stone but who's keeping score). I raise my children who do well, go to the gym, cook dinner and have an amazing relationship with my husband, but lets be honest here people, I'm not gonna be on Good Morning America next week because of my photo of the day.  How do these women do it? Do they wake up at 4:00 a.m. to shower?  Do they never sit down?  Have they never indulged in a Housewives of Orange County?  Is that why they can "do it all?"

Every night before Jim makes his way to the front door from a long day at work I try and pick up the house, have dinner "on," and if possible maybe even have a little music playing and a bottle of wine cracked.  I am not wearing an apron or red lipstick, but I do try and make coming home to us, "a nice experience."  I have my little part-time job and I do raise the kids but I am far from "having, or should I say, DOING it all."

Perhaps I will have more "do it all" power when my youngest is in school and I can spend more time focusing on how to make my millions.  Perhaps I will be able to focus my inner, Chef Meredyth and come up with original-TV-worthy recipes when I have a few moments to myself, hey, maybe I will even start taking award-winning photos some day?

For now I guess I will just have to keep telling myself that I'm doing MY best and that should and will have to do.  I need to stop comparing myself to other "more successful" people and start looking at all of my own successes. I mean I really doubt The Pioneer Woman can help a thyroid issue from 3000 miles away....'nuff said.

Recently I was reading some one's Facebook entries and wishing that I could do what they were doing.  I was thinking how much fun their life looked and how I wish that I could be a little like them.  Then I visited their page and realized how dull and boring it really looked.  I realized that what I was reading in a paragraph was the tip of a very over-indulgent life that didn't seem to posses quite the same je ne sais quoi as I had thought.

I am sure The Pioneer Woman and Dooce and the countless other successful bloggers out there spend countless hours being... well....successful.  For now I think my only goal is to be cathartic and mindful and have dinner ready.  I'm sure upon closer inspection all these women are right there with me, just trying to keep their head above water, thing is...their head is probably up at 4:00 a.m....sorry ladies, nothing is worth THAT! I Guess I will have to find some other way to take over the world...some time after 8:00 a.m.

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