How to Kill Your Husband.... Slowly?

When I check the stats of my blog I can see a lot of information.  One of the wonderful bits of info I am able to see is what people searched in a search engine and found Journey 2 Health.  Yesterday, someone was searching "How to slowly kill your husband."  I kid you not.

Has this person NEVER seen Dateline or 20/20?  Don't they realize that after the body shows up, the first thing the cops take is the computer?  Doesn't this person realize that the cops check your search engines, hard drives and email accounts?  What the hell is she thinking?

Who actually Googles "How to slowly kill your husband!?"  I have so many questions I want to ask her....

1) Why slowly?
2) Why does she want to kill him versus divorce him?
3) Did she find anything on my site that helped her on her quest to kill?
4)  Is she using the computer at the library at least?; and
5)  Did she at least sign up as a Journey 2 Health follower?

People never cease to amaze me when they do manage to kill their spouse.  They make such rookie mistakes like, beefing up the insurance policy right before they kill 'em.  Or, they buy rat poison from the local Home Depot in gallon sized drums.  Or, they Google "how to kill their spouse" on their home computer.

So I am left to sit here wondering if there is some poor guy out there right now facing the end of his rope. I am left here to wonder if I have unwittingly helped some miserable wife SLOWLY kill her husband.

Who knew Journey 2 Health could assist in first degree murder?

So, to the person who Googled "how to slowly kill your husband," and ended up at my website, please let me know what is going on!  We are all dying (pardon the pun) to know where you are at in your plot to SLOWLY killing your husband.  We are all now dying to know why this must be done SLOWLY and, if you are doing all your research on your home computer?  TELL US!!! We promise we won't call the police, I mean, come on.... all you have to do is hit delete.  It's just between us...I swear!


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. I also typed the line how do I kill my husband. I decided to pray he dies soon enough and I can live happily ever after. Then again I pray I die soon.

  3. I also typed the line how do I kill my husband. I decided to pray he dies soon enough and I can live happily ever after. Then again I pray I die soon.

  4. My husband is abusive to me I have no way out

  5. Funny, thats hiw I ended up here too. Actually I was thinking that would be a good starter line for my blog snd it looks like you beat me to that too. I think that sometimes people get to the point they dont know what to do.anymore. God guys can be bastards sometimes.

  6. I just googled this since my husband can see what I search on his Phone lol

  7. I am very annoyed that I typed how to kill my wife slowly and the top of the list was how to kill my husband, must have been a woman who created that search engine

  8. Best case ever heard was a nurse who was fed up with her abusive husband. He was very fat and she got the idea one morning looking at his huge fat belly. So that night she gave him a lethal injection deep in his cavernous navel.

  9. He googled this for me and made sure i see it after i almost called 911 when he was about to rape me as usual as his own means of saying sorry. well truth is i needed to seek help am just tired of being raped and i have told him the next time he physically or sexually abuse me. i am calling the cops. he found this website and put it on my desktop to dissuade me from calling the cops. i guess he never read it.

  10. I know women and men have their own individual probloms.My case is that I am a woman that prayed foe one particular man and he betrayed me.When first got into a relationship it was so magical.Ever felt like someone take you away from all your problems? Well that's how I felt.but now there is only bullshit. Everyday I have to find out something.he makes me feel less of a woman everyday.and now that we stay together its always constant judging and name calling. I have been beaten,left in the rain and much more.but at the same time I'm not saying that I haven't done anything to him but it was never major as what he did.I'm only 19...have 2 kids and no I probably don't want him dead.maybe It just crossed my mind but I do know I hate him.I want to get married but he doesn't want to marry me.I try and leave but it doesn't never tired of crying

  11. My advice to a woman.young women especially.don't believe a guy when they are nice and telling you everything u want to will more than likely turn into a big lie.just be cautious who you Date and have kids with.

  12. i'm tired with my husband lying to me he rather spend time with his friends them most of his time he spent with them when i ask for attention that's a big problem he would always hit me whenever he comes home late and i ask where he was it's like i'm being torture everyday of my life

  13. In my case he either dies or me be

  14. In my case he either dies or leaves but he cannot sta


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