A Crazy night out in Philly

Last night was just plane weird.  Jim and I decided... ok, I decided on a vegan restaurant for dinner last night.  We always talk about trying different restaurants and WE ARE trying to eat healthier so why not a vegan restaurant?  I recommended that Jim order this mushroom dish wrapped in phyllo (amazing but too cold) and I had a potato, avocado, bean thing that I could have made myself (annoyed).  Also, it was a BYOB, which I normally love love love, but I forgot that it was BYOB so we were sans B and thus drank water for dinner.  This water for dinner thing, I will later explain, I am now finding to have enjoyed.

So as I looked around the restaurant I noticed the woman sitting behind Jim had a fur coat hanging from her chair.  It was one of those Kim Kardashian long, sleeveless numbers and I couldn't take my eyes off of it.  I mean, who in the heck wears a FUR coat to a vegan restaurant.  Isn't there a protocol here?  Isn't there some sort of ideal, mantra, zen-sort-of thingy that one must follow when eating in a vegan restaurant?  Isn't there a vegan decorum of sorts?  Ok, so (deep breathing) Jim is ummm...ahhhh.... a sort of expert on ahhh animal fur and so I say to him, "I need you to look behind you and see if that damn coat is real fur!"  So Jim, being the wonderful husband reaches back and does the "stretch and turn" to see if said coat is real or a fabulous fake.  He looks to me, shakes his head and states with satisfaction, "it's fake."  I breath a sigh of relief and I go back to my meal...

As we are walking the lovely, lively streets of Philadelphia there is a car and a hat and a crowd forming.  What the heck?  We look around the car parked awkwardly in the middle of the street and I see a coat on the ground...Jim says "Meredyth, don't look..." Oh, ok, but you are going to look? So I stand there as Mr. Need-to-see walks around the car to take a not-so-quick-peek of the pedestrian that has been taken down by a four door sedan.  There are cops directing traffic to avoid the scene but zero...none...nobody is helping this maimed woman.  Ok, here comes Jim with the traffic...errr...medical report on the woman..."She's conscience but she's not moving and I don't see any blood." Ummm, ok, so she's not gonna die?

Why weren't the police even looking over her to make sure nobody finished her off with a kick to the head?  Why wasn't a cop at least standing over her telling her she would be alright?  They were just directing traffic.  As in two cops were directing ONE direction of traffic at ONE intersection.  We could hear the ambulance coming but why couldn't the police officer be of some assistance?....

On to the next stop of insanity....

So we make our way to Del Frisco's in Philly...amazing!! A must do!! The MOST beautiful building ever! We make our way to the bar and order a glass of red wine from a woman wearing REAL rubbery black spandex pants and a black top that barely reaches the top of the pants.  Now, when I say spandex, I mean 1980's black spandex which first, I don't know where one buys said pants and second, who in the world looks good in them.  For the record, BOTH bartenders looked amazing in them.  Can you imagine THAT job interview..."ok, now try on the pants please...." Really?!?!

Then this couple sits down next to us and orders a few drinks and then proceeds to order dinner.  These people look like it would have been a really good idea to get the money up-front as I am not 100% sure they could afford what they were buying.  As their food was brought to the bar I see the woman kneeling on her bar stool with one leg and she has the other leg extended to the ground...Kinda like a pain-in-the-ass teen that you can't get to sit like a "normal" person and you want to kill.  Anyway, they proceed to eat what probably was a $250 dinner and I look at Jim and say "they are eating because they are hungry, not because it is a special dinner for them...what is going on over here?"  The woman is on her phone, she is a mess, she is eating from the edge of the bar hanging off of her chair... the weirdest scene ever.  So the bartender in black spandex brings over their bill and as the man hands back the check and payment form I see it....

A BLACK American Express!! What the??!! Really?!?!  Love it! They are loaded...as in have a lot of money.  Classic Philly...

I know many...ok, most of my friends don't venture into the "city" for any reason whatsoever BUT, if you want an interesting evening filled with chaos, good food, beautiful scenery and scenes right out of C.S.I. take a ride into Philly for a night, it is worth the drive across the bridge.

By the way, after the evening was over I assessed that I actually enjoyed drinking water for dinner and then having a drink only AFTER dinner.  It allowed me to enjoy ONLY the flavors of the food, save money on the drinks I WOULD have had during dinner and allowed me to enjoy ONLY the taste of the wine AFTER dinner.  I think I may be onto something here...I will try this again when I am not forced into it by being without alcohol in a BYOB.  Until then, look both ways when crossing the street and no fur coats in vegan restaurants, it's just not right....

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