Is anyone in your home consumed by "the last of the...?"  What is it about the last cookie, the last of the milk, the last of the cereal or the last piece of bread?  What exactly ARE you suppose to do when you encounter the last of something in your home, IF YOU ARE NOT SUPPOSE TO EAT IT?

I was always raised that if you eat the last of something ya just throw the package in the garbage.  There was no event or guilt.  There was no issue.  Nobody got mad at you for finishing the box of cereal, you just ate it.  I actually know many people like this.  You know what this house looks like...endless packages of cookies with ONE cookie left.  Or two or three containers of ice cream with ONE BITE left in the bottom.

The only thing I would be mad about having someone finish is the toilet paper, cause then you have a serious problem.  But food is meant to be eaten, finished, used up.  It is not suppose to be saved for any reason...is it?  Am I missing something here?

When Cody came to visit I bought ice cream, peanut butter sauce and chocolate sauce.  Last week I found the chocolate and peanut butter sauces in the very top of the pantry.  "What," I asked "are those doing up there?"  And the only answer I could come up with was.....JIM!  What was is he saving these for?  What are these doing at the top of the pantry?  There isn't even ANY ICE CREAM LEFT TO PUT THIS ON??? What is happening in this house?

Are we going to become a house of hiding food and having countless packages of ONE BITEs in them?

Skylar has now begun to hide food.  She started this about a year ago when she started packing her lunch.  She did it so Cody would not eat all of the "stuff" that she was planning to put in her lunches for school.  I understood that, but now it has turned to a whole other thing.... When at Whole Foods the other day Skylar marched up to me with TWO pumpkin pies.  My response was "ummm, no!"  She she said that SHE would buy them so I said "OK, whatever."

When we got home she WROTE her name on the top of the pie containers and announced to the family that "those are MY pies and NOBODY is to eat them!"  HUH? Do I not buy everything you eat?  Are we now claiming food, hiding food, saving food?

I have never done anything like this.  I don't know what is going on here?  I don't know if I should be partaking in this insanity....perhaps I need to be storing food under my bed...just in case?  What if everyone around me hides all the food and Emersyn, Brock and I are left with nothing?  Maybe I need to start storing food for us?!

I actually like to FINISH stuff off.  I enjoy when the last of the shampoo is used.  I will actually take 3 Fig Newman's instead of 2, if that will finish the box.  I enjoy throwing the last niece of bread to the birds so I can throw the bread bag away.  I have no problem with finishing stuff off...it makes me feel...complete, rounded out...WHOLE!

Not my family.  Are they are saving things for winter? posterity?

From now on I think I am going to start a new rule "if you don't finish "it" and leave less then a serving...THEN you are in trouble."  What trouble is, I am not sure, but trouble nonetheless.

This isn't just about Jim or Skylar, this is an epidemic in our society...I know because I know many people like this.  Countless people right now are yelling "WHO ATE THE LAST OF THE CEREAL??!!" OR "WHO DRANK ALL THE MILLLKKKK!!!"  What was that person suppose to do when they got to the end of the cereal the day before, leave ONE bite?"  Honesly today I finished the last of a box of cereal AND  the last of the milk!!

We need to just be proud of eating the last cookie, drinking the last drop of milk or finishing off the loaf of bread, unless, of course, if you live in the middle of nowhere and then have to drive a half hour to the nearest store to get more....in that case you should just leave the package in the pantry, someone else can finish that half-eaten cookie!

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