"Occupy" Needs an Agent or a new Address

What is the message?  I am not quite sure if I should follow or lead or protest the protest?  What exactly are the people down on Wall Street attempting to say?  What's their message? Do they even have one?  I think that the best thing that the protesters could do is get an agent or a public relations representative.  I think they need to get their heads together and figure out what exactly they are protesting...and let us know.

Has anyone even made a t-shirt about this multi-state protest?  Does anyone have a tag line or a chant?  How can I jump on a bandwagon if I don't know where it is going?

The thing is, I am not 100% sure they know what they are protesting.  I think their hearts are in the right place, but when you don't have a theme you can't really get a following and if you don't have a following you don't have support and nobody really gives a crap.

I understand that they want the 1%'s money, or is it that they want Wall Street's money?  Perhaps they want money.  Perhaps they want the 1% to recognize that they're really really pissed.  Hmmm...I am pretty sure the 1% could care less.  They are on a yacht in Bora Bora and they don't really care if you are freezing in a tent and eating New York City hot dogs and urinating in a bucket, as far as they are concerned you are exactly where they want you.

Perhaps the "occupiers" should occupy Washington.  I mean, let's be honest, the people on Wall Street aren't going to change anything, they are too busy making money.  Perhaps you should occupy a letter-writing campaign any inundate the Senate's offices with letters DEMANDING that they represent the people that put them in office.  Perhaps you should stop BOTHERING the men and women going to work everyday and start DEMANDING that the House and Senate do their jobs.  Perhaps you need to stop bugging the 1% and start bugging the individuals that make the rules.

To be perfectly honest if I was the 1% and someone told me that I was allowed to continue to earn a living in the "way I had become accustomed," I WOULD CONTINUE TO DO SO. Why? Because nobody is stopping me.  The 1% isn't bad, they are following the laws and the rules, nobody is faulting you for writing off your wife and kids on your taxes.  Are YOU going to stop using your home as a tax break?  I think not, me neither!  Who would? That's stupid!

The thing is, we need to start recognizing that the 1% is no different from us....they are just really really wealthy (see Chris Rock "wealth vs rich"...hysterical!)  They are following the rules and using the law to get what they want, finding the loopholes, working the system....just like anyone with a brain and a lawyer would do).

Wall Street isn't to blame.  (Personally I look to George W. Bush and his dad's friends, but that is me).  The government that we have voted into service is to blame.  The problem is the guys making this country a CAPITALIST society and not a DEMOCRATIC one.

If we want to change the way things are, we need to realize the way things are.  We need to realize where the problem is coming from, (and it is NOT from the guys making a buck).  If we blame
the people making money, anyone with a buck is to blame, (like you and me!)  We need to fix the problems by changing the rules and lack-of-rules, that are causing the problems.  Stop occupying and start doing.  Write letters, run for school board, run for city council, run for office, raise money for a candidate. Do do do!!!

Perhaps THAT should be "Occupy Wall Street's" message.  Perhaps instead of complaining about people that HAVE money we should be looking at why they have it.  Perhaps we need to change our message from "they have more," to..

*** I'm voting YOU out, or
*** I'm gonna get mine, or
*** I'm sick of you owning your contributors money and then passing laws to screw everyone over ...yeah.... I like that one!

If we continue to look to rich people (or the 1%) to give us their money, we are barking up the wrong tree.  I'm not giving you my money anymore than you are giving the next guy yours.  We need to fix the problem and realize that as long as there is a sun in the sky, everyone will try and get something from the next guy, it is human nature.

The movement needs a message, an agent, a t-shirt.  The movement needs to have an idea that people, all people, can understand and wrap their heads around.  The movement needs more than a few tents and some angry people.  The movement, the 99%, needs to stop looking at the symptoms and start looking at the problem.  Because the problem is not coming from anyone driving to work on Wall Street this Monday, perhaps you are occupying the wrong city?

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