"Although it's been said many times, many ways....Don't mess with Christmassss...Don't mess with Christmassssss.....Don't mess with Christttmassss......donnnn't youuuuu...."

So canceling Christmas hasn't gone over so well here at our house.  Skylar was first.  Cody said, "don't tell anyone to not send gifts, I like what I get from them and it is the majority of the gifts I get." HUH? Really?  Not so much. So here goes...this is just the people that send Cody and Skylar gifts....

Grandparents 1
Grandparents 2
Grandpa 3
Grandma 4
Grandparents 5
Grandpa 6
Grandma 7
Grandma 8

Aunt and uncle 1
Aunt and uncle 2
Aunt 3
Aunt and uncle 4
Aunt and uncle  5
Aunt and uncle 6
Aunt and uncle 7

Then Jim and me and then their dad and step-mom....oh, and Santa Claus.  So all and all they each...I said EACH get about $2000 of gifts each year. Just for Christmas. Wait, you're right...that's not enough...they totally need WAY more!!!! What the HELL was I thinking!!!

So anyway, my message hasn't so much been received from ANYONE with open arms.  I guess this idea isn't a popular one?  Like the mantra that I have now started, "don't mess with Christmas!"  But why?  Why do people like the gifts part of Christmas so much?

Then there is the issue that perhaps everyone doesn't like the charities that I chose...valid.  But again, I don't have all the details down.  These are ideas.  Perhaps you want to donate to a college or a local woman's shelter.  Again, I am just attempting to start my family thinking in a different way about Christmas.

I don't want to take Christmas away from anyone. Lord knows that CHRISTMAS WOULD NEVER BE ABOUT GIFTS AND GIMME GIMME GIMME.  No way, we are much to pious to think that way.  Perhaps that is how we show we care about our loved ones?  Ok, if that is the case then how about just sending birthday gifts and REALLY celebrating the person on "their special day?"  What about that?

Perhaps I should let everyone know that the gifts they send get all mixed in with everything else that is opened on Christmas morning and that nobody ever knows what is from who!

My mom Facebooked me about me canceling Christmas and said that I shouldn't do such a thing (remember I am not saying that they are getting less from us or Santa, just that I wanted to cut back on all the gifts that are sent across the country).  She said that she never did such a thing to me and how could I do that to my kids.  (Valid and I see what she is saying...but)... BECAUSE NOT ONE OF MY AUNTS OR UNCLES EVER GAVE US ANYTHING FOR STARTERS!!!  The only relative, besides my parents that ever gave us anything was my grandma and grandpa, as in ONE set...not 20 different gifts from 20 different grandparents!! You can't even compare the situations because they are totally different!! TOTALLY!!! (mom I am not knocking wrote that on Facebook so that is public knowledge).

So, I am thinking about registering for gifts.  I am thinking about taking the kids over to, not Target, how about Nordstom..let's go big so that we get exactly what we want for Christmas.  No point screwing around here.  If they want my kids to have what they want, well, let's not mince words here.  Get these little angels anything their harts desire....right?

This year it is all from the heart.  No lists, no telling me what they want, shit, I'm not even asking sizes...they get what I want them to have.  I'm a rootin, tootin Christmas shopping fool and nobody is messin with this!!! I hope everyone likes Justin Bieber cause I really like those t-shirts!!

By the way I never said that I wasn't buying gifts, I just said my kids don't need anything....I wasn't so much trying to save a buck.

Oh, and Skylar changed her mind.  She said that she now insists that everyone donate to unfortunate children in her name...."Sorry Skylar, no can do...Christmas is on and nobody is gonna mess with Christmas...not even the starving kids in Africa!" And you can take that to the bank...literally!

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  1. I am only buying for four young children this year--only $20 each. Everything else goes to me and charity. If I've said it once, I'll say it one thousand times... dogs over children. I guess that's my defense mechanism since I cannot bear children. In some distant corner of my mind, I'm dying to spoil my non-existant daughter with dolls and video games. Oh well. I guess it's just going to be me, me, me and the local Animal Protective League.

  2. Well just because nobody else wants to participate in your non-gift buying doesn't mean you can't still do it. There is no written law stating you have to buy presents. If your family still chooses to do so that is their choice. People just really don't get that Christmas isn't about gifts and it seems that each year it gets worse and worse!
    On my side of the family we only buy for the nieces and nephews and we don't exchange among the adults. On my in-law side we buy for nieces and nephews as well and my mother-in-law since she can't grasp the whole adult only thing and gets really snippy about it. We just do something small though. It has worked out wonderfully!


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