Breastfeeding and Taking a Piss?

"Natalie Hegedus says her 5-month-old son had an ear infection that day, and so she brought him with her to court to take care of a boating ticket she'd incurred over the summer. Because he was an infant and because he was sick, while she waited to stand before the judge, her son became hungry. She went to the back of the court room and discreetly began breastfeeding."

Ok, so there is the back story.  This woman went to the back of the courtroom and covered herself while breastfeeding her child.  Ok, do I need to say it again...COVERED HERSELF.  She was not topless or nipple-out or spraying milk all over the galley.  She was sitting in the back of the courtroom with a cover over her.

So I shared this story on Facebook and got a few different responses that, to be perfectly honest, AMAZED ME! In one comment a person said "nobody is allowed to eat in a courtroom, including babies." WHAT??!!  Another person compared breastfeeding to "taking a taking dump or pissing."  HUH? Are you freaking serious?!  In"reasons" for not thinking that breastfeeding a child in public is ok, a baby eating was compared to an adults actions (eating or errr....going to the bathroom) in public.  How can we hold a baby to a grown person's standards?

In another person's posting, the opinion was that all women should be "bound to discretion [sic]." Um, yeah, I agree, so let's make those damn booty shorts they sell at Abercormbie illegal immediately!  Then she went on to say that just because one mom wants to breastfeed, "it is another mother's right to protect her own child from being forcibly [sic] exposed to public indecency! I don't whip out my tat tas in front of your kids (husband, etc...) why is it your legal right to expose my children to yours?"

First, I have breastfed four children and I have never exposed my breast to anyone.  Second, if my breast has ever been OUT, you can't see any of the "parts" that are covered by a bikini!  YOUR CHILD CAN SEE THE SAME STUFF AT THE POOL!!   Third, if your kid can't handle seeing a mom nursing her child, perhaps it is time for a lesson in reality, life and that breastfeeding a baby is not only natural, it is a mother and child's God-given GIFT.

Then this woman went on to say, "childbirth is natural too, but you won't find me spread eagle in the middle of Times Square practicing my Lamaze techniques."  Really?!  Are you really saying that discretely nursing a baby is the equivalent to being "spread eagle in the middle of Times Square?"  

Granted, I know there are women out there completely unfazed by nursing their child in public with their boob out for God and everyone to see, but I have been alive for a long time...AND I HAVE NEVER SEEN A WOMAN BREASTFEED WITH HER BOOB OUT EVER, NEVER, NOT ONCE.   Are you hearing me...N.E.V.E.R! Not once. So it is really difficult to entertain these descriptions of what a nursing mother "looks like" as an example of the 99% of nursing moms.

As for this woman in court, SHE WAS COVERED.  I have nursed my baby in front of my brother, my dad and my children with a cover on.  I have nursed my baby anywhere and everywhere with a cover on.  YOU can't tell WHAT is going on under that cover.  For all anyone knows I am holding my child under there and nobody is the wiser.  AND IF YOU REALLY WANT TO IMAGINE WHAT IS GOING ON UNDER THERE THAT IS Y.O.U.R. PROBLEM!! Get your head our of the gutter.

As for comparing my breastfeeding to taking a piss or a dump, I am speechless.  As for comparing my breastfeeding to being spread eagle in Times Square, I am confused.  As for chastising a woman for taking such good care of her baby when there are countless women out there NOT taking care of their children, leaving them with incompetent childcare, not feeding them, not caring for them, SHAME ON YOU!  And shame on you JUDGE!! Shame on you people that are so afraid to teach your children that breastfeeding is normal and natural.  Shame on you people that are AFRAID OF A BOOB??

Are you all also afraid of people kissing, holding hands..."gays kissing in public!?!"  Where will you hide your children?!?

I always say if it is on your radar, there is a reason.  What is so scary about a boob?  What are you so ashamed of, afraid of?  What is wrong with breastfeeding?  Are you afraid if your child does see a breastfeeding mother he or she will run out and pose for Playboy?  Are you afraid if your husband sees a woman breastfeeding he will go crazy and cheat on you?  What is so scary?  You can see more on TV all day!

Breastfeeding is normal and natural.  I have chosen it and do not chastise anyone for NOT choosing it.  I just think that feeding your child anything other than breast milk is like taking a crap in Times Square, and who would ever expose their child to the indecency of THAT? 

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  1. Love! What pisses me off is noone would even care if a mom pulled out a bottle and fed the baby in the back of a court room.....It is bull.


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