Not MY kids!!!

Yep..I'm one of those people.  You know the kind...You say to me, "my baby is four months old and we haven't slept in months" and I turn around, roll my eyes and say to myself, "why not? just put the kid in it's bed and go to sleep?! What's so tough about that?"

OR, you say, "my daughter just won't get ready for is a total fight every morning..." and I turn around and say to myself..."just tell her to get dressed and come eat.  What's so hard about that?"

Can you hear me?  Can you see me doing that? I have these two new kids...ya know...Emersyn and Brock.  Yeah, well these two little charmers are giving me a run for my money and making me eat every parental, judgement word I have ever uttered during one of my eye-rolling-you-suck-as-a-parent mental rants.

Yeah, I have those from time to time...but not about your kids...of course...

So it has taken us about 8 months to get Emersyn to stay in her bed at night.   I didn't know this could happen?  I would simply put Cody and Skylar in their bed and they stayed there?  Who knew kids would get up over and over and over again.  I thought this just happened on Super Nanny to the really crappy parents?  Who knew it could happen to me?  But then again, it isn't really happening to me... more to Jim.

THEN, there is BROCK. Yeah, the kid doesn't so much sleep...he sort of takes little worthless catnaps where I can't get anything done, AT ALL!  And then, if I think for a moment that I can just let him fall back to sleep and "cry it out" he starts this horrendous gut-wrenching cry..ya know the one with the bottom lip that sticks out with tears streaming down his face.  The cry THAT LEAVES TEAR MARKS ON HIS SKIN!!! Really Brock? REALLY!@!!  So I have to go get him.  Oh, and he doesn't take a binky and he can't quite get the thumb thing because just as soon as he gets his thumb in his mouth and relaxes, he yanks the thumb out and totally upsets himself.  Damn you betraying hand!

So now I have a baby that doesn't EVER sleep...WAIT, I take that back. He sleeps at night in between eating at 7:30, 9:30, 11:00, 1:30, 3:30 and I am not going to take that for granted.  But yeah, I am not sleeping over here.

And I have an almost three year old that doesn't so much like getting ready in the morning... What the heck kind of parent am I anyway? Geeze?!?!

But all of this I am going to blame on Jim (this he knows because I always tell him..."you're side!!!").  The no sleeping... no getting ready for preschool children.  All Jim's fault.  Lord knows, MY kids would never act this way...

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