The MOST Disgusting Comment I Ever Heard

I was out the other night and overheard a woman and her friend talking.  As I listened in she said, "homeless people should all be killed, they take up my air and make me feel threatened."  My stomach turned and all the muscles in my body tensed up.  I could feel a lump begin to grow in my throat.  I wanted to say something.  I wanted to shake her.  And I knew that nothing I could do or say would change her mind, and I thought...."how sad."

We are a species defined continuously by our differences.  According to Zbiginew Brzezinski, the former national security advisor under the Carter Administration, it is estimated that the "violence stemming from our differences in the 20th century has cost between 167 and 175 million lives." In the 20th century alone, the cause of death due to genocide is at 80 million children, men and woman.  These are deaths by humans, against humans based on their ethnic, religious and philosophical conflicts.

Surprisingly enough, many of these deaths were in the name of "imposed peace."  From this perspective, military intervention and solving a "problem" through violence or KILLING a person or group of people to "impose peace" is of little value.  Our history has proven to us to "exterminate" that which is unwanted by way of violence, seldom quiets the problem if the true underlying issues are not resolved organically.

This woman wants to kill all homeless people. Period.  She said that they "should all be killed."  According to The National Center on Family Homelessness, "1.2 million children are homeless on any given night. Supporting this figure are estimates from the U.S. Department of Education that report almost 400,000 homeless children were served by the nation's public schools last year. Since more than half of all homeless children are under the age of 6 and not yet in school, a minimum of 800,000 children can be presumed to be homeless. On the basis of these data, the National Center on Family Homelessness concludes that more than one million American children are homeless today."

I wonder if this woman wants to gather up all 1.2 million kids and gas them or just starve them to death?  

Perhaps we should look at the millions of college graduates of the class of 2011.  Millions of them will be graduating this December but there will only be about 60,000 jobs waiting for them.  Should they moved back home with mommy and daddy or face homelessness?  All those horrific homeless college grads just waiting to take up her air....

Oh, but wait, those kids will all move back home with mommy.  That makes them much better than the homeless father of three living on the streets.  He is the problem!!  He is the one she is referring to.  Right? 

But wait, I wonder if she realizes that 1/3 to 1/2 of all homeless adults work?  I wonder if she knows that?  I wonder if she feels threatened by all these people?  I wonder if she knows that many of the people she wants put to death are homeless because they are paying child support and health care benefits for their children and thus cannot afford housing?

Perhaps we should line 'em up and unload?  Perhaps she is threatened by their dedication to the well being of their children?  Perhaps that is why they should be KILLED.

We cannot ever MAKE anyone understand.  We can only do better as individuals.  I hope this woman never knows what it is to be homeless.  I hope that her children and grandchildren never have to pay her oratorical debt because of her inane, classless, self righteous, embarrassing comment. 

Approximately 16 million people died during the holocaust because of hate.  The Jews were hated.  They were taking up air....they were ....they were....and then they weren't...

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  1. I understand your frustration; as a teenager, I spent a summer homeless, with three of my brothers and my mother, living and sleeping in a car. Can you imagine two teenagers, two little ones and a mother all sleeping in one car, on hot, humid nights, no shower, no running water, the occassional sandwich that we had to share. Thanks goodness it was summer and we spent the day at the beach and thank goodness I was a teenager and could stay with my friends some times. My mom worked, but she was running from an abusive husband who literally tried to shoot her. It was awful. At one point, we were separated. Two of us went to Michigan to live with an Aunt that I hadn't seen since I was little, while mom and the others went to Alabama. She finally got enough money to put us all back together again. On the other hand, I understand being afraid of homeless people. Working in a large city, there are many crazed homeless people. They obviously need more help than what money can buy, but I'd never wish them to die. People should think before they speak. Its not always what it looks like.

  2. Oh my goodness. Your mom and you all must be very strong. What an amazing mother to keep you kids out of a bad situation.
    Thanks so much for your comment. Thank you for your honesty and story. Meredyth


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