I have to be honest about something...

I'm gonna be honest about something and I know most of you will be in complete disgust about it but I am who I am and I know my dad feels the same way I do.

I love rain!  No seriously I really like a gloomy, crappy, rainy day.  I love it.  I love having a 100% complete excuse to do absolutely nothing.  I like not feeling guilty that I am not frolicking around in the sun, at a park, or going for a walk, or doing a bit of anything.  Rain gives me that excuse and I really, really appreciate it.

So here comes the sun. Ha..and now I am getting that "oh geeze I guess I should go to the park" feeling and I really just want to sit here and do absolutely nothing.  It gives me a reason to be completely lazy.  Now, I have no excuse anymore because of that darn sun.

Don't get me wrong, I enjoy a sunny day with the best of 'em but I really like the rain.  The way rain smells, the way the sky gets all dark and the way the thunder rolls you off to sleep during an afternoon nap...oh gosh, doesn't that just sound like a piece of heaven?

My dad and I have discussed this and he is in complete agreement.  I really haven't discussed this with many people as I don't want them to put me in a straight jacket and have me start some sort of treatment. I just like a rainy day...shall I go so far to say a rainy week??!! OMgosh!

So now I have no excuse to stay in my PJ's today.  Now I have no excuse to go to the mall and just walk around in there.  Now I have no excuse to do NOTHING.

Perhaps this is all stemming from my childhood?  I can hear my mom's voice clearly now...
"Meredyth, it is a gorgeous day out..go find something to do!"
"Meredyth, it is beautiful out...get on your bike and ride to the pool..."

Because on rainy days I heard this...

"Meredyth, it is going to rain all day, why don't you have a friend over and play in the basement." Ohhh, heaven!! A rainy day.

Perhaps a rainy day is just an excuse to be in comfy clothes with a big cup of hot chocolate and slippers? Perhaps it is an excuse to not feel like you need to be productive?  I'm not sure, but now that the sun is out I guess I must "go find something to do," my mother would be so proud.

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