I Have Destroyed My Enemy...Forever!

Since our county started "The War on Drugs" in 1971, the mortality rate due to drug related deaths has gone up about 300%.

Since our country started "The War on Terrorism," the only people to be terrorised is American citizens by TSA agents and our government.

Since we began "The War on Fat," i.e. fat free, low fat, low carb....Americans have gotten fatter and fatter!

And I could go on and on and on....

When you wage a war, you gain an enemy.  You begin to focus on what YOU DON'T WANT.  You begin to put all of your energy and time and commitment into thinking about, reading about and obsessing about what YOU DON'T WANT IN YOUR LIFE.

I posed a question to Jim yesterday that was spawned by something I saw, and it was as such, "is food your friend?"  As I sat waiting for his text response, I knew what he would write..."no!"  and that is exactly what he said.  And that is what most of us would WANT to say, that food is not our friend.  But if food is not your friend, is it your enemy?  Do you fight with food?  Do you have a combative relationship with food?  Do you think of food as your sworn enemy whom you go to battle with each and every moment of the day that you are awake?  Have you waged a War on Food?

What if you ended this War on Food?  What if you decided to make food your friend and just end the battle all together?  Perhaps if food weren't an enemy, you could end the obsession.  Perhaps you could allow food to nourish you, help you...be your friend.  This way, food could stop taunting you.  Food could stop gaining negative momentum in your life and stop becoming something it was never meant to become.

When you wage a war on something (as seen in the three examples above), it becomes bigger, it becomes an issue, a thorn, an enemy.

Yesterday I decided that food was no longer anything but my friend.  Not the kind of friend that you turn to when you are sad, but the kind of friend that is NOT AN ENEMY.  I decided that when food entered my stomach I was going to welcome it with a smile and allow it to do the job it was meant to do.  I decided that when I am hungry I am going to be happy about allowing food to do it's job.  And when I am full, watching TV, going to the mall, relaxing, I don't need to always have food by me, I don't need to be thinking about food, because it is no longer my sworn enemy.  It's just food.

So today if I get hungry and I want Peanut Butter, I am not going to try and have an apple, I'm going to have peanut butter.  And today if I want an apple I am not going to try and have water, I'm going to have an apple.  I am going to stop fighting.  I am going to stop cursing myself for eating.  I am going to stop the WAR ON FOOD.  Food is a friend, it is a gift, it is something our bodies love and need.  But just like all friends...after a while they need to go home, cause too much of anyone or anything isn't good, food included!

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