Are your thoughts serving you?

What is a fact or a truth?  Where did that fact or truth come from?

I can't get up to workout in the morning.  
My house is worth $300,000.
My daughter is ready to be potty trained.
New York is the best city.
He needs this medication.

All of those "facts" started off as thoughts.  Thoughts that were either heard or read or learned from someone or somewhere.  Thoughts that eventually turned into beliefs.  Then those beliefs eventually turned into truths or facts.

There is no fact or truth that can't be then traced back to a belief and thus back to an idea or thought.  Therefore if you are to re-think something "I CAN get up in the morning to workout" you can truly change your truth.

This is an example of changing your intention.  It works.

When I have a headache I tell myself "my intention is to not have a headache."  When I am laying in bed awake I tell myself, "my intention is to sleep."  It works. But you have to know that this works.  You have to believe that you have the power to change your reality.

When we change our intention, when we have a deliberate and exact intention, we alter the chemistry of our being.  When we alter our cells and we change our truth, the facts, we can change everything, deliberately.

Do not think, "well my family is overweight, so I to will be overweight."  That is a belief that you have made into a fact.  Look at your life and think about all of the things that you portray as facts, and see where they came from.  Look at how they started as thoughts.  Challenge yourself and your "facts" to see how you can CREATE a new belief to serve you and your life.

Change your thoughts of illness, headaches, pains, exhaustion, irritation, anger and sadness to intentions of joy, happiness, wellness and energy.  Recognize what your thoughts are doing to your reality and adjust them to serve you and your life.

You can control your life, your health, your state of mind and your happiness.  You just need to know you CAN do it, learn how to do it, and allow your body and your mind to serve you.

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