100 Mile Per Hour Winds and No Vacation in Sight

I have two choices...1) get mad and upset and lose my mind that our vacation that I have, sorry... we have been looking forward to, for the last 364 days. OR 2) be glad I am alive.  I am going to pick #2.  The other is just going to make me wacky.

So here I am waiting for a storm that is about to hit our house, waiting for another storm...errrrr, hurricane to hit our house on Sunday, and I really don't feel like changing out of my pajamas right now.  The coffee this morning is just so darn tasty today?

So I have looked into every possible vacation to take the place of Beaches...Beaches...where they watch your kids, feed you and your kids, give you limitless alcohol....ohhh Beaches why must you be closed because of a hurricane?? 

So as I look outside right now and the trees are swaying I can only imagine what 100 mile an hour winds will look like in just a few short days.  Plywood anyone?  Perhaps I should take down the patio furniture?  What does one do in a hurricane?  This is not my forte!

Fact is I honestly like a good storm...I'm just not so sure I like when it cancels my vacation or reaches 100 miles per hour.  But at least today the coffee is good! I am trying to be positive...does it show...

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