Weird Hair and Midnight Feedings are How

I am pretty sure that not being able to sleep longer than an hour and forty five minutes at a stretch, is killing me.  Oh, not a quick and painless death, but a slow and ageing death.  I am pretty sure that just a few short weeks ago, I looked oh so much younger...and well rested.  Yesterday I saw two pregnant women at the pool and they were commiserating about their lack of sleep.  I so wanted to rain on their "I can't sleep now" parade, but figured that I would let them live in THEIR moment.  Why shine the light on my personal lack-of-sleep hell.

I just can't believe how much Brock eats!  I mean, I do realize that a child doesn't get this big because he is a light snacker, but c'mon already!  How much milk can one 8 week old ingest?!?!  Every two hours? all day long!!  You could set your clocks to his stomach!  It is truly amazing.

Then I had dear ol' dad (Jim) in the morning, "wow, he only woke up at two last night!" Yeah, not so much sleeping beauty, try twelve, two, four and six.  This kid is a machine!  Thank gosh we are good to go on breastfeeding!  I can't imagine cleaning, making and heating twelve bottles a day.  I am pretty sure I would have just given up by now.  Sorry Brock, you are on your own..maybe Emersyn will feed you?

The other day I was standing in line at a store next to four female twenty-somethings.  In the middle of their conversation one of the girls said, "oh c'mon, look at him, that age is sooo easy!"  I had to have looked at her like she was the second coming of stupid and then I replied "oh yeah, he's so easy when he wakes me up at 12:00, 2:00...."  and then I smiled.  Maybe that little dose of reality will keep them single and without child for a few more years.

I wouldn't trade any of it for anything, but I just have zero idea how people that are in their fifties do this?  What in the world are they thinking?  But I guess the older you get the less sleep you need.  Perhaps that is the key?

I just know that the lines on my face are getting deeper and my hair is getting weirder by the minute.  I think that is age?  If not, I am just slowly falling apart.  But that is how these kids do it...slowly they kill you and then you wake up one day and you're sixty and they are off at college having fun and you don't know what happened to your youth.  I know where it went...midnight feedings!!

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