Ultrasound, Bottles and Brock, Oh MY!

Brock is still spitting up and gassy.  He didn't poo for 24 hours and all he does is cry cry cry...what a baby!!  So on Friday we went to the doctor's for a well-baby (yeah right) check up and told her all of Brock's symptoms.  I sort of felt like I was in a therapy session as I unloaded everything we have been dealing with lately.

"So he throws up everything I feed him and I know he is gaining a ton of weight but he has gas from 4:30 a.m. till 8:00 a.m. everyday...yadda yadda yadda...."

So we were put on a PLAN.
*  We changed his Zantac to Prilosec to see if he is better by addressing possible reflux.  We were to do that for 2 days and see how he did.
*  Then we were to give him formula for 2 days to see if he has lactose intolerance to MY breast milk, ( did anyone know that humans have lactose in their breast milk?  I didn't!!)...
*  and then.... if he still is my little towering inferno of barf...we were to schedule an ultrasound at the Children's Hospital to rule out a pyloric stenosis.

Just another day at the 'ol Willits household...fun stuff.

So the Prilosec helped quite a bit to settle him down, but he was still barfing.  So Sunday afternoon we decided to start him on formula.  Formula and bottle feeding is not my idea of a fun time.  I honestly don't know how people do it.  Washing bottles and nipples and making formula.  Oh and buying it, ug.  Oh and then there is keeping it cold and then heating it up, but not in a microwave. And then it has to be the perfect temperature or he spits it at us.

So last night...alll night we did formula/bottle feeding.  After the second middle-of-the-night-feeding, Jim said "how long do babies need to have bottles?"  REALLY JIM?! AFTER YOU HELPED WITH TWO FEEDINGS YOU ARE THROWING IN THE TOWEL??!! I was literally laughing in bed at him.  But honestly, if this kid must remain on formula I may loose my mind.  I hate it.  If I would have bottle-fed Cody he would have been my only child.  There is no way I can do this for another 11 months?  It is just so much work!

But if I must, I must, but I don't wanna.  This alllll being said, I totally understand any woman's right and desire to bottle feed.  I give you all credit because it is so much work.  You all rock.

But I don't wanna do it for one more day.  Oh and after I feed him I walk upstairs and pump so as to keep my breast milk flowing properly, so I can hopefully go back to nursing him.  Please God, Please let me go back to nursing!!!

So tomorrow we find out if the lower part of his stomach has become thick with muscle to obstruct his ability to empty the contents of said stomach...Can't wait.

But if that is the problem he will have to have surgery and hopefully we can go back to nursing...YEAH...oh, wait, did  I just wish for Brock to need surgery?  Ok, I don't WANT him to have surgery but it would be nice to know what is wrong with the little guy.  Reflux?  GERD? Lactose? Pyloric Stenosis? Ennie meenie miney moe....

I say it is reflux due to the esophageal sphincter being to lax, but what do I know?

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