You want to learn from ME?

The other night Jim and I were talking to a woman who is a physician.  I was asking her questions about Brock and his reflux and picking her brain about what she has seen yadda yadda.

She began to explain how she is training under a doctor that now practices alternative medicine.  She is moving her practice from General Medicine to holistic alternative medicine.  She is getting out of the medical field where she "just throws medication at people who never get better..." WHAT?!? Am I hearing this right?  A doctor with twenty years experience is getting out of medicine and is being trained to do what I do?? My website for You 2 Well Alternative Healthcare

As she began to describe how the physician that she is learning from is world renowned, has a MAJOR medical facility in our area that sends all there "we can't do anything with this person" to him, and he does what I do, but on a few different levels, I got so excited!  She and I were speaking the same language.  She and I were talking the same talk and she is interested in what I do..wants to learn from me!  WOW!

She just said that she was sick of seeing patients that never got better.  Patients that wanted medication, took medication, and over and over again remained sick, but without the symptoms to bother them.  But were still SICK!  She gets it! She gets it!!!

As I laid in bed that night I was so excited.  I couldn't believe that I met a trained physician that wants to do what I do because she understands that with what I do, you get better.  Amazing!  So I told her we need to get together.  I told her that we should look into opening a practice together.  I told her we needed to talk.

I don't know if she and I will end up working together but it is nice to know that there are actually doctors out there that are beginning to see the light.  Doctors that are starting to realize that throwing medication at symptoms is not curing anyone or anything.  That we need to find the cause of the symptoms, the real problem and HEAL the patient.

There are many people in my life that do not give credence to what I do, and are sceptical that I can help them get better.  Perhaps when more and more doctors and medical facilities incorporate the alternative medical field into their everyday method of healing, people will start to recognize that what I do is actually more advanced and more therapeutic than any pill they could pop!

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