One More Compliment and I May Explode

Ya know that feeling you have when you are going to the airport?  That building anxiety attack..well that is how I feel when I am on my way to the hospital.  "I'm gonna be late."  "I should look nice so they treat me and my child better."  "What if parking or traffic is bad and I miss my appointment."  "What if I get bad news."  I feel like I am going to explode by the time I step foot in the front doors.

Then I feel it necessary to be overly nice to every single person who works at the hospital.  It is as if each and every person working there plays a direct role in whether or not my child gets better.  I'm overly nice, embarrassingly nice.  Perhaps it is just nerves, but I am on such a high it feels like I may just explode.  But today I made it through the drive to Children's Hospital.  I made it into a parking spot, and I only complimented two employees, (although I thought at least five other compliments but kept them to myself).

So after all of that anxiety, compliments and insanity, Brock's stenosis is fine.  So now what?

Do we keep him on formula?  Do we go back to breastfeeding?  Why hasn't he pooped in 2 days?  Why is he filled with gas (per the ultrasound tech)? Is the Prilosec necessary? Is it working? Is it blocking him up?

So I guess we just try and figure out what the next step is.  But no surgery, so that is good.

For now he will just have to be my gassy, barfy, crying bundle of joy.

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