My Diet is Killing Me...or is it?

So I have refrained from sending any of my friends or family any "beneficial" information as to how milk is filled with puss and comes from cows that have radio-active milk.  I have stopped myself from hitting "send" on emails filled with pertinent information about how milk actually causes diabetes, osteoporosis and obesity, and how meat is just a rotting caucus.  I have.  I have kept control of these urges.


Why then is it ok for my friends and family to tell me that being a vegan or a vegetarian is unhealthy.  Why is it ok for them to send me emails about the dangers of soy and soy products?  Does this mean "GAME ON" and I am free to hit send with video showing the horrors of how the fur of an animal is literally pulled off the animal's back while it is still living...for the sake of a fur coat?  Is it now my turn to EDUCATE?

I totally understand the desire to let the world know the information you have recently become aware of, but I think we need to then be open to the onslaught of unsolicited information that comes back to you.  I have learned that unsolicited advice, information and opinions are seldom taken and are usually resented (Jim  Burge).  That you should only give information when someone asks for it...or be prepared for the consequences.

The first email I deleted.  The second email I am building an arsenal and when I get the third out, I am sicking PETA on your ass.

The thing is, I have a blog that you can either subscribe to, delete, read or not read.  I understand how people feel about their dairy and their steaks, and I understand that unless people ask "so what's it like to not eat meat?" THEY DON'T WANT TO KNOW...SO I DON'T TELL THEM!

I don't give a crap that you order a 20 oz, half-living steak at dinner...I don't care.  I don't care if you order a calzone filled with 40 pounds of cheese, it's your body.  But when you decide that I need to know that what I am eating MAY, MAY, MAY be dangerous, be ready, cause I may just have to send you the information that I have on hand.

Today this medicine will kill you, tomorrow that food is lethal.  WHATEVER!  Eat what makes you feel good, eat what makes you happy, and do YOUR OWN research.  I don't eat much soy nor do I eat much processed food.  I eat whole food that is healthy and good for my body.  Yesterday soy was the greatest food in the world, tomorrow Vitamin D will be as lethal as arsenic....I'm over it.

Just do what is good for you and know that at the "end of the day...(ug)" you need to take care of yourself and your family.  You need to be accountable for you and your body, and do so with the information you have.  As for everyone out there dying to let me know how MY diet is killing prepared for me to kindly let you know how YOUR DIET IS KILLING YOU... or is it?

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