Let's Go to Target...

When did Target become "something to do" on a rainy or too-hot day?  We are about to embark on a record heat wave here in New Jersey and Emersyn has cabin fever...already.  So as I enter the week I am attempting to come up with "things to do" so that Emersyn doesn't go out of her mind.  I don't own Play Doh, nor do we paint, so I am thinking mall, Target or an indoor play place?

We stayed home yesterday since I was still recovering from my 102 Sunday night fever...Sounds like a movie title...and she was punchy and mean all day.  I haven't figured out if it is because she is always stuck in the house with Brock and me, or if it is because Brock exists.  Chicken or the egg? Not sure?! 

Many days that we would normally go to the pool because it is hot, we can't... because it is hot?  Brock can't go IN the pool yet (per the doctor), so we have to sit and watch Emersyn.  So we can't go to the pool if it is too hot? Counter intuitive to logic, but we can't cook Brock, dad would be angry.

Whomever said "having a baby before summer is wonderful," needs their head examined!  You can't put sunblock on new babies (per the doctor), you can't take them in the pool, I can't go in the poor for six weeks (per the doctor), you can't get the kid too hot (or they cook).  Explain to me exactly how this is wonderful?

Personally I like a nice fall baby.  It gives you 9 months before summer when you can then all go to the pool, wear sunblock and play in the sand.  You can hibernate for 9 months in sweats versus I-just-had-a-baby-and-it-is-hot-so-I-am-stuck-in-a-tank-and-shorts-with-all-this-fat...NOT FUN!  There is just zero up-side to having a summer baby.  But hey, that's me.

 But this is NOW not my concern because we are now 100% sure we are done done done having babies.  My cousin, Dina was right, she said, "when you are done, you will know."  And, boy do we know!  

So today in this heat wave I think we will make our way to Target or the mall.  Tomorrow we have gymnastics and perhaps Thursday or Friday we will work towards a play date with our friends.  Who knew it could ever be too hot for the pool?  It just doesn't make sense!

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