I hit 102!

Last night I got to 102, but unfortunately I am speaking about my fever, and not my weight.  The whole family has been in a virtual sick-bay all weekend fighting boogers and post-nasal drip and last night after going grocery shopping, it hit me.  I started FREEZING!  THE WORST!!   Jim just looked at me from the kitchen as I was feeding Brock and said "you're not doing to good are you?!"

"Not really," I said as I could feel myself begin to shake and the ability to move leave my body.  I just wanted to take a hot bath and go to bed and NOW!

Jim took Brock from me and said that he would handle the kids for the rest of the night and to just go to bed.  As I took my hot bath and made my way to bed, the shaking and shivering took over my body.  I couldn't come up with words in my head and the importance of taking care of my kids diminished.  I could only focus on myself...or the lack of myself...

Jim worked to get everyone to bed and I couldn't figure out how I could possibly still have a fever since I had taken 600 mg of Ibuprofen an hour ago?  If I still felt like I had a fever, and had already taken all that medicine, what would my fever go to when the medicine wore off?  So I asked Jim to take my temperature so that we could monitor what exactly was going on.  102 degrees...not good.  So Jim started cold compresses on my forehead which felt like ice daggers on my skin.

All I could think about was, how will I take care of the kids tomorrow?

Jim asked me if I wanted to go to the Emergency Room, but who will take care of the kids?  We can't wake them up and take them with us?  We can't leave them here alone?  I can deal, I am fine, I will be ok, no Emergency Room...I'll be ok...I hope.

So as my fever started to break and I began to be HOT instead of Cold, and I got my brain back, I started thinking about how scary it must be for single moms and dads who don't have a Jim to help them put the kids to bed.  How scary it must be to not have a back-up helper when they get sick.  How scary it must be for them to be alone in bed without someone to pester them about going to the hospital.

I'm so fortunate to have a spouse that can 100% take care of our kids.  He didn't have to ask me anything about what to feed them, how to put them to bed or anything.  He didn't need my help.

One of the best gifts we can give our husbands is to allow them the opportunity to know how to take care of their children.  To be 100% involved in every aspect of their care, even if they don't do it every day or every night, they should know how to.  I made the mistake of "doing it all" in my first marriage, and it isn't fare to anyone.

So I'm not down to 102 pounds, but I am down 3 pounds.   I'd look really weird at 5 feet 9 inches and 102 pounds anyway...I'm just glad my fever is gone!

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