The Super Hero at the Pool

Yesterday, Emersyn, Brock and I ventured to the pool.  As I released Emersyn to the Splash Pool, Brock and I made our way to a beach chair and I began to eat the sandwich I packed.  After eating, I grabbed my book, propped up my feet and began reading the book I brought.

It was then that I started to collect, what can only be described as, gawkers.  I would call them rubber-neckers but they had no problem stopping right in front of me and staring in amazement.  Their mouths gaped open and I was ready for any one of the to take out their cameras and start shooting.

They said I was their hero, that I gave them hope, that I was amazing...I was at the pool, alone, with a 2 year old and a 2 week old.  I was the chosen one...the one they had only heard existed, and they wanted to see me with their own two eyes.

They stopped and asked questions.  They stopped and praised me and my fearlessness.  They stopped and smiled and told me that I gave them hope.  They stopped and told me how great I looked.  They stopped to tell me, I am their hero! WOW!

They made me feel great and I bathed in every comment.

I felt like I should grab a podium and start lecturing.  I felt I needed a microphone so I could speak to all these moms who came to see "the amazing one."

But wait, Cody just made me feel like crap the other day about what a crappy job I do as a mom?  Hold on, I was just feeling fat the other day?  Hold the phone, I was feeling so inadequate the other day about my hair, the house and the lack of good dinners?!?!

Which is it? Who am I?  Am I the most amazing mom on the planet, worthy of praise and compliments by complete strangers, OR am I a worthless, frizzy-haired, meal-less maniac incapable of accomplishing the most menial tasks in a day?

Perhaps I am both?  Perhaps I am a neither.  Perhaps I am just a mom trying to make sure Emersyn gets out of the house, Cody gets to the pool, Skylar gets her glasses and Brock gets fed EVERY 2 HOURS?!?!  Perhaps it is ok that we eat Mac 'N Cheese for dinner three days in a row?  Perhaps it is ok that the floors need done as long as we all have clean clothes.  Perhaps everyone should be glad I remembered to pay the mortgage and buy milk!

Did I, as Cody said, "sign up for this?" I guess.  But what does that mean?  Does that mean that I don't get a grace period to learn, that I have to be perfect at everything?  No....!!!

I think we will go to the pool again today.  I think I will put down the computer, throw in a load of laundry and put our bathing suits on.  The pool is my kind of is there that I am special, it is there that my fans will be, it is there that everyone thinks I'm great!

I think only a mom can truly understand how difficult this all is.  I think only a mom can understand how difficult it is to breastfeed an infant while watching a 2 year old swim.  I think only a mom can understand what a task it is to go to the pool while still recovering from all that is childbirth.  I think only a mom can understand that taking care of four kids isn't amazing... it is a miracle.

I think I will view myself through the eyes of a mom.  I think I will view, what I have been able to accomplish thus far, as amazing.  I think today I will be a hero, if even only to myself and a few women at the pool.  I'm gonna go see my people at the pool, maybe dinner won't get made, but at least I will feel good about myself.

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