Not a Happy Spitter

Ok so Brock doesn't so much stop throwing up.  I have cut dairy out of my diet about a week ago and still he barfs 90% of the time after he eats.  I am at a loss.

I spend 20 minutes feeding him and another 30 minutes doing my very best to keep him from barfing, OR wiping up barf, OR changing all his clothes and blankets, from the barf.

His poo finally stopped resembling the guts of a dark-green space alien and are now slowly moving back to that of a breastfed baby, BUT the barf, and grunting, leg-shooting and being miserable...continutes.  He is what I now am refering to as "high maintence."

I can deal with feeding him every hour.  I can deal with not getting any sleep.  I can deal with chaos and dance recitals that last three hours with my ex-husband, sick teen, a 2 1/2 year old and 3 week old.  I can do that.  What I can't do is watch my 3 week old grunt and cry and strain for hours upon hours after eating MY breastmilk.  It is making me wacko!!

Have I considered trying formula...of course, but I really want to keep nursing him.  Have I considered eating nothing but oatmeal for a week....of course, who hasn't?

I just want him to be content.  I just want him to be able to wear all his cute clothes without barfing on everything he owns!  I just want to not smell like baby barf for an hour?!

He's gaining weight.  He's sleeping.  He's beautiful and he's not a "happy spitter," I looked all that up on Google.

I have given him Gripe Water and am not sure it's working but will keep trying it.  I have burped him and I have tried not burping him.  I have burped him over my knee, over my shoulder and on my lap.  I have put him on his back, side and tummy.  I have given him a binky and no binky...I have done it.

Oh, and yes, I am typing with one hand while holding him right now, and he is squaking and shooting his legs the whole time.

This to shall pass...I hope....

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  1. After he eats do you sit him as upright as you possibly can?


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