If The Suit Doesn't Fit you Must...Take a Photo!

The pool is a mom's heaven.  Note, that is pronounced [Hay-vin].  The baby or splash pool is Hay-vin, to be exact.  This is a place that is corralled...errrr, I mean, fenced in.  Then there are the lounge.... errrr, I mean, pool chairs.  Then there are other moms in the corral that also have children and thus don't freak out or give you "the look" when your two year old acts like a two year old.  How nice....

At the pool we go to there is a place to buy food, snacks, drinks (not the kind I'd like...but liquid nonetheless).  Therefor when you don't have the time, patience or groceries to pack a lunch, for a mere few dollars, you can feed yourself and your kids.  Perfection!

But let's not forget one of the most important jobs of the pool, to tire said children out!  After just a few short hours at the pool your little angel of energy is an exhausted mess just waiting to be pushed over the exhaustion edge by a peanut butter and jelly sandwich.  Just add dry, warm clothes, a couch and a TV show with the volume down, just a bit to low, and you have a nap waiting to happen!

And let's not forget the entertainment for the moms!! On Saturday I was witness to a woman who obviously lost the bottoms to her tank, and I do mean TANK-kini and decided it was in her best interest to substitute a see-through, white, thin, stretched-out, once-was-board-shorts, bathing suit bottom.  All I can say is AMAZING!! I couldn't stop looking!!  Or the I-THINK-I-am-Jennifer-Lopez woman who had on a European cut bathing suit with so much showing, I had to force myself not to take a picture.  I actually was discussing the suit with Jim as he and I both attempted to figure out WHAT THE HELL SHE WAS THINKING!! And then followed the conversation up with "if the suit had a normal backside, it would look really nice on her."

There are the pleasantly plumb moms in string bikinis and the dads that attempt to "flex" the entire day at the pool.  There are the perfect moms whom I look at and say "genetics" and the moms who I look at and say, "we've passed the days of being able to wear a bikini, your baby is due any day now...really?"

But most of all, at the pool I can almost guarantee I will see a friend or two.  I will be able to sit and chat about all of the day's events, all the trials of being a mom, all of the trials of laundry, lunch and naps.  I will be able to discuss episiotomies, c-sections, vacation destinations and everything in between.  I will be able to brag and vent and cry and not one of them will roll their eyes and judge Emersyn for being a kid.

The pool is a Hay-vin not duplicated anywhere else on Earth.  It is only open for us a few months a year but for those few months, us moms know we have found our little Hay-vin on Earth.  It is there where kids can be kids and moms can be moms and for a few short months it all happens in harmony.

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  1. You are so right! I had almost the exact same thoughts yesterday while we were at the "baby" pool. I actually got to read my book! Hope you have a great summer :)


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