I Am Number Four

He has arrived with drama, chaos and love, and number four has a name, a birth date and a beautiful little face I just can't get enough of.  Brock James is here and he is so wonderful and healthy and we are so blessed to have him in our life.  That being said, nothing is easy about children, so for Brock's birthday to be filled with chaos, it's just the way love goes.

Jim and I went to the OB/GYN on Monday, May 31st for a regularly-scheduled baby doctor appointment.  After a regular check-up the Nurse Practitioner said that because of my "advanced maternal age" (kill me), I needed to have a stress test done.  I quickly imagined myself running on a treadmill in my only-thing-that-fits-me-skirt and tank top.  I saw myself holding onto the treadmill railings while Jim held my belly....this however was not what they were referring to.

So as they walked me into a room to monitor the baby's heartbeat in relationship to his movements, Jim looked panicked.  I however was cool as a cucumber.  The baby is fine.  Although he hasn't been moving much lately?  So as we sat in the room with me attached to monitors, the baby failed the test.  Hmmm? Now what?  Ok, so now we have to have another ultrasound to see how he scores on some more tests.  Jim is now a mess.  I am cool as a cucumber.

As I lay there with the ultrasound tech telling me that "that baby is not breathing" and that I am filled to the rim with water (like when Cody was sick?) I begin to panic...but jusssttt a little bit.  So as the Nurse Practitioner walked in, she is given my "score" and baby gets a 6 out of 10.  He failed another test...and ok, so now what.  Jim is a mess and has excused himself from the ultrasound room to make phone calls.

"We are what? we are going to the hospital right now?  We are going to have the baby right now?" HUH? When exactly did this become the plan?  This isn't so much going to work out. "Ya see I have a kid at the pool swimming and my 12 and 2 1/2 year old girls are home alone."  Oh, and I don't have any family here to help...

So as I make my way to the waiting room I see Jim pacing and making phone calls to babysitters.  I then call another babysitter to see if she can spend the night with the kids. Oh but wait I took the sheets and duvet cover off my bed this morning?  This just won't work.  "Um, can you come over right now I have to go to the hospital because the baby failed the tests and needs to come out because...." Wooooshhhh...the room is getting really quite and spinning a bit? hmmm? 

"Ok, so you can go over the house at 6:30 and spend the night, ok great, thanks" Wooooshhhh.... "ok, you have Jim's cell phone number if you need anything.  Skylar is starting spaghetti for dinner so you all can eat that..."

I see the Nurse Practitioner and Jim walking towards me and I feel my legs disappear.  I feel the blood leave my face and I know that I am about to hit the floor if I don't sit down...like NOW!    They help me to a chair, I drink some juice and after a while, my blood makes it's way back to the upper half of my body and we make our way to the car.

Off to the hospital we go....

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  1. WOW! I am so proud of you. You did good! I would have totally panicked! I was waiting to hear what happened. I knew you had a dr appointment, then all of the sudden there's a new baby boy in the family. SURPRISE!! I thought maybe you went into labor at the doctor's office. So tell me, did you have to be induced or did all that chaos bring on the labor? You have to share it all :)

  2. This is so amazing! You really hung in there...what a good, patient mommy. You have such a great sense of humor even when dealing with the difficult. Congratulations on your new little guy.


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