On This Mother's Day

Today on mother’s day I could not celebrate without you three wonderful children.
Being a mom has been the most rewarding, challenging, trying, scary, loving, part of my life.  
I have loved more, tried harder and been more dedicated to you three kids than I have been to anyone or anything else in my life.
Cody you have helped me find my self-worth.  You have challenged my belief system about myself, and I thank you.
Skylar you have helped me follow my dreams with TBA and have pushed me to believe in myself, and I thank you.
Emersyn you have helped me to let-go and enjoy life and all the fun and chaos that goes with having a beautiful, smart two year old, and I thank you.
Being a mom is not what you think it will be when you “take the job.”  
It is so much more sacrifice and dedication and change than you can ever imagine yourself being able to give.
But, as a mom, I have received so much more from YOU, in return.
I have been a nurse, a councilor, a teacher, a chef, a maid, a hair stylist, a make-up artist, a judge, a police officer, a jury and a cruise director.
I have learned that I can do one hundred things at once, and can listen to two hundred.
I have learned that I can talk to you about things, and I have learned to listen to you in ways that I didn’t think possible.
You have inspired me with your intelligence and grades, and you have amazed me with what spectacular readers you both are.
You have inspired me with what you can retain, what you can feel for others, and how supportive of me you are.
You have made me believe in myself, who I am capable of being and how I look at myself.
You come to me to get an eyelash out of your eye, to heal your pains, and to help you out of difficult situations.
I can never begin to tell you what that means to me.  You make me feel like a superhero, one that I never thought I was.

You make me know I have done a good job when I see the love you have for other people.
You make me know I have done a good job when I see you learn and think and do.
You make me know I have done a good job when I know you aren’t getting in trouble.
You make me know I have done a good job when you are a good friend and brother and sister.
You make me know I have done a good job when you do the right thing, and I am not looking.
I can never thank you enough for being such wonderful, loving, smart, beautiful children.
I can never thank you enough for giving me three of the four best days of my entire life.
I can never thank you enough for making the last 15 birthdays the greatest, just by making me more thankful for my life.
I can never thank you enough for laying like a family, telling me you love me and being there for me all these years.
You are the glue that holds me together. 
You are the strength I can hold on to when I have nothing left to give.
You are the memories that I think of when I have a rough day.
You make up the dreams to my future.
You, my three, almost four, beautiful children are the reason I celebrate today.  
You are my celebration, because without you I am so much less than I am with you.
You are my triumphs and I look forward to watching you grow even more.
Cody, Skylar and Emersyn, you are the most wonderful kids I could ever pray for, and I am so thankful for you,
Today, and every day, I love you.

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