What Jim Does

I have had some people inquire as to what my husband does so here goes...

Jim is the Vice President of Sales for the Philadelphia Flyers NHL Team.  He is responsible for selling approximately $50 million in tickets each year.  He is responsible for selling those seats if the team is winning or loosing and his paycheck reflects each and every sale.

He has sold ice hockey tickets in the dessert to sceptical Phoenix Coyote fans and has sold baseball tickets in Cleveland, Ohio to deflated Indians fans.  He has broken sales records here in Philadelphia and has been #1 in ticket sales in the USA for at least the last two or three years.

So when a realtor calls me at 9:00 a.m. and wants my listing, or as I call it, "the easy part," I get a little annoyed.  Where in the heck have you been the last 6 months when you could have shown the house to one of your clients?  How exactly do you now have a million clients for my house but you didn't last month??

See the thing is my husband has to sell tickets ALL THE TIME!!  He has to sell when they are losing every game, he has to sell when the whole team is hurt and his boss doesn't give a rat's ass what excuse he could have, they want every seat filled. PERIOD!!!

He trains his people, he coaches his people, he holds his people accountable and he holds himself accountable.  He doesn't just sell when the Flyers are in the Stanley Cup Finals, he also had to sell when the team won 20 games a few seasons ago...IT DOESN'T MATTER!!

There is no better sales guy in sports that Jim.  He knows how to sell, he knows marketing, he knows ticketing, he knows how to sell ice hockey in the desert.  He knows how to put butts in seats and he is the best at it.  PERIOD!

Let's just put it this way...I can't even go to the games because they are that sold out!!!

....so if you want a class in how to sell, call my husband because he knows you sell it all, all the time...not just when it is easy.  So don't call me and ask for the listing the morning my "For Sale By Owner" listing expires...show me that you want to see it all, all of the time.

I am now receiving the 5th call from realtors and it is only 9:26 a.m... hey realtors, it ain't happening, I've got better things to do with my $27,000 than pay you.  Ok, now the 6th call.....

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