My Housing Mantra and all that CRAP

My Grandma O'Brien raised six kids in a two bedroom house.  They ate cow's stomach and cow's tongue and damn if I can't figure out a way to fit six people in this three bedroom....

....and if it sounds like I repeat that in my head day in and day out to convince myself I can do this, you're right.

As of now Skylar and Emersyn are sharing a room.  That works out fine except Skylar has to get her clothes into the hallway the night before, sometimes Emersyn doesn't fall asleep at 8:30 p.m. and then chats with Skylar all night AND there is no room for anything in their room....

Oh, and here comes another baby....

So today we are officially making our dining room into a playroom for Emersyn.  This room will eventually also serve as some one's bedroom, who's bedroom, I am not sure.

Do we put Emersyn down here?  It is right next to the kitchen and TV room...
Do we put the new baby down here?  He/She will grow with the noise and not be bothered by it...but then there are the late-night feedings to have to trek downstairs for.....
Do we put Skylar down here?  But then she will share a bedroom with toys...and Emersyn and the new baby will have to share a room....

Oh, and then there is Cody.  He is 90/10 on moving to Ohio...
So if he moves we have another bedroom to work with...but I lose a son to Ohio...
But if he stays we do the bedroom shuffle...which I prefer...see shuffle above...

This is all happening because I don't see us selling our house in the next 7-8 weeks.
This is all happening because this house was bought during the real estate boom and now we need to sell during the real estate splat.

BUT, Grandma O'Brien raised six kids...yeah, you know... in a two bedroom house...I can do this....

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