Men Have it Easier

Men just have it easier.  Yes, they have to shave their faces every day, but come on, it is just a face!  Nobody is expecting them to choose between a landing strip, totally bare or a 1970's do!  They just shave their face.  Then there is sleep.  Their head hits the pillow and BAM...out cold.  Women on the other hand plan an entire week's menu before they are able to drift off to sleep!  And this includes being woken up.  I can wake up Jim three different times a night and within seconds...back to sleep. Whereas I am laying their deciding what to do with the back yard's landscaping!! I HATE IT!!!

I met a woman car salesperson the other day.  She was talking to Emersyn and I as we were waiting to get shuttled to the mall as my car was getting worked on.  She went on to tell us about her daughter and how her daughter was in a cheer program.  She explained how she feels so bad because she misses so much being at work and how her daughter has given up on being in activities because it is difficult for her to make the required practices.

As I watched this woman explain how hard it is for her co-workers to understand and how impossible it is for her boss to "just" let her leave, her heart was breaking.  I told her that I thought it was very impressive that she even attempts it all.  I explained to her that I stay home and can barely get everyone where they need to be.  She told me that since she works with men, they don't understand that SHE is the one that has to get her daughter to and fro and that they can rely on their wives to get it all handled.  She said that HER husband will NEVER take time away from his job to handle the daughter's needs and that SHE is always the one that is suppose to "handle it."  OUCH!

She explained to me that (and this really struck me) the people that she works with understand and are more apathetic when a co-worker's PET is sick and needs to go to the vet, than when she needs to take care of her daughter!! And ya know what, I believe it!

I give women who juggle work and children and home and a husband-- a lot of credit!  I wouldn't even try it.  I don't even attempt to volunteer to be in the PTO!  Why? Because when it comes to me needing to do something vs. Jim having to work, I need to figure it out.  NOW UNDERSTAND, I get it, Jim's job pays the bills and if he loses said job we have a serious problem on our hands, but I still would have to figure it out.  So I don't even attempt to juggle it, it's not worth it.

I GET TO stay home with the kids and I appreciate not having to juggle it all.  I GET TO be here and not have to totally stress out when a kid is sick or needs to be somewhere...I just do it.

So to all the moms out there stressing out because they have no idea how they are going to get their daughter to dance practice tonight or their son to Scouts, you amaze me!  To all the moms out there that are afraid to tell their boss today that they need to stay home because their kid has a fever.  To all the moms out there shedding a tear in their office because they are going to miss another recital.  To all the moms out there that feel inadequate because, they feel, they are NEVER doing enough....YOU ARE!

And to all the bosses out there, understand that the working mothers out there are doing everything they can, every single day, to make it all work.  They are juggling it all, all of the time.  And when you pick up the phone to ask your wife how the kids are doing with soccer and their homework projects, your working mom employee knows ALL THAT is waiting for her when she walks in the door tonight, along with dinner, laundry, shopping and dance class.

And we wonder why we can't sleep.....

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  1. Amen! Aside from the pull between work and family, men still get paid more than women for the same level of work (.76 to the $1), work clothing for men is categorically cheaper than that for women, haircuts and other self care items are more expensive for women, appearance and looks are still the prevailing qualities describing a woman (vs. kindness, generosity, intelligence, creativity), even when we work full-time, we still handle well over half of the household chores, men in marriages live longer than single men, but women in marriages have shorter lifespan...on and on!


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