Growing a Linebacker from Conception

Yesterday we had our 32 week ultrasound for the currently-under-construction baby.  The tech told us that the baby was weighing in at approximately 6 pounds and that the ultrasound has predicted the baby's birthday as May 15th.  My current due date is June 7th so this is quite a bit earlier that previously determined.

This all being said, if I deliver on June 7th this baby will most likely weigh in at about 50 pounds or so...kidding, but really? Six pounds already?  I told Jim this kid is huge, nobody listens to me!

So now the doctor has informed me that because the baby is so big, I will most likely have to have another ultrasound in a few weeks to keep an eye on my growing bundle of joy's weight problem!

Ya see, if this baby is going to be TOO big, the doctors scare you with this shoulder problem where when you deliver the shoulder breaks and pinches or cuts this nerve in the baby's neck.  If this happens my baby will have no use of the arm and bad bad bad.

So I got "the look" yesterday that a C-section could be in my future if this kid doesn't stop growing...HUH?  So baby and I are now going on a very strict diet.  I am thinking Grapefruit Diet or the Green Tea Diet?  Or perhaps we will look into the Cookie Diet?  That seems oh-so-much-more on the pregnancy horizon of possible diets.

REALLY PEOPLE?! As if I would do that.  And I am not so much signing up for a C-Section either.  Skylar was 8 lbs 10 oz and Emersyn was 8lbs 14 oz and they came out without a problem...oh, and still have two working arms, each.

I figure if this kid gains about a half a pound a week it will be 7 pounds in 2 weeks and 8 pounds in the next month...and that puts me at about May 15th.  So I can handle 8 pounds, right?  That is normal-ish.  Then if he or she doesn't come out I will just take a little trip to Six Flags amusement park and ride every roller coaster they have...a plan?

I knew this kid was a beast, I just hope it is a boy.  I would hate to be talking about my dainty little princess like she is the next linebacker for the Cleveland Browns... that would be just wrong!

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