Drama on Facebook Yesterday

Yesterday I was watching Police Women of Cincinnatti and there was a 16 year old girl yelling at a police officer that another girl had stolen her "pot."  The officer was like, "are you really telling me this?"  It was hysterical and sad all at the same time, kinda like Charlie Sheen.  So as I was watching that, Cody was aggravating Emersyn, he was asking for more food and Emersyn was screaming and Skylar was doing, who knows what.

So as I was on Facebook I posted:

Every stage of life has a reason for it's existence. The teen years are so that you pray, wait and look forward to the day they move out...just sayin

Wow, and what a shit storm this little comment, this little window into my thoughts, this little expression of a pregnant mother on a Thursday night created.  I was in the midst of trying to feed, organize and entertain three kids who had two half days in a row, who all had activities last night from 7:30-9:30 p.m., And I was, for the tenth time yesterday, refereeing a fight between my 14 year old and 2 year old,  because as Cody says "it's FUN to make Emersyn cry,"

So I posted.

I had one person say that he could "do without THESE types of posts... and that he would hate to look back at posts of this nature if OUR mom had posted this type of thing..."  I had another person say that teen years are tough because you worry so much.  I had another person tell me that, they to understood what I was saying about the "teen years" and that it isn't that you don't LIKE your kids, it isn't that you don't LOVE your kids, but let's be real, the teen years make parenting pretty difficult and when you get to send them off to college, it is a nice reprieve from all of the insanity!

I was not saying, "holy crap get this kid out of my life" or "geeze I hate being a mom..."  What I was saying is that I can't imagine having Emersyn out of my site for 6 hours but Cody, is a little more of a challenge and I understand how these teen years ready EVERYONE for the next stage of a teen's life.

God has a plan, God made it this way, and it works.

Mind you, when Cody and Skylar go to their dad's to visit for the weekend, I cry.  When Cody goes to the skate rink I am worried that he is making good decisions and when he goes to bed at night I cry that I could have been a better mom that day.  SO IT'S NOT THAT I DON'T LOVE MY SON, IT IS JUST NOT ALWAYS EASY BEING A MOM TO A TEEN! I love my son and children more than life, BUT I AM ALLOWED TO HAVE A HARD TIME! I AM HUMAN---SAY IT WITH ME

I understand how someone could read that comment and be like "geeze, pretty shitty of her to make that comment, she's mean!"  But honestly I was referring to the entire picture of my home at that moment.  I was referring to a moment in my mind where everything seemed to make sense to me.

People have NO idea what goes on in another person's home, nor can they truly understand the trials and challenges a person may be dealing with to bring them to ANY place in their day, week or moment.  If my brother were truly worried about my Facebook comment, it may have been more supportive for him to pick up the phone and ask me if everything is ok.  It may have been more productive to send me a private email and tell me that he thinks it is counterproductive for me to post things like that if I, in fact, were speaking about my children.

I learned a while back while watching this show or that show that when I see a mom struggling at the mall or at a restaurant with their child to remind myself I HAVE NO IDEA WHAT IS GOING ON!  This mom may have an autistic child, a child that has sugar problems or whatever and it is HARDER on her that it is on me, AND SHE IS DOING HER DAMDEST TO GET THROUGH THIS MOMENT. So when I see women struggling with their children, the stroller, the diaper bag, the groceries, I ask, plainly, "IS THERE ANY WAY I CAN HELP YOU?" Because this job is hard and if I can help another mom killing herself to make it all happen, I am glad to do it.

So the thing is, maybe yesterday my son had me duck tapped to a wall?  Perhaps Skylar wanted to start wearing make-up and I just couldn't bare the idea or maybe I found out Jim wanted a divorce? Ya just don't know, do ya?

I don't Facebook friend the gal from the local bar, I friend people I know, have known and people that I feel will benefit my life in some way.  So when I post something about my kids, my husband, my fat, my finances, I do it because I am in some way needing something.  I am needing someone to tell me how they did it and it worked for them, how they support me or how the "get it."

Oh, and unless you have teens, have had teens, or work with teens, you have NO idea about raising a teen.  NONE!  And yes, I understand that everyone has a different experience with their children and that some teens are saints and as parents we think, "it is because of my wonderful parenting that they turned out this way"....W-R-O-N-G! I know many wonderful parents that have very difficult children, it is just life.

I am not expecting everyone to say, "oh, you beat your children with a metal fireplace poker, oh that's wonderful!" But I AM saying, if you are truly concerned, if you are truly upset by what I have posted, said, or vented, have the common decency to pull me aside and tell me about it. I am just a mom struggling with my kids, stroller and groceries at the store, just offer a hand...a smack in the face won't help.

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  1. Your posts are real and I for one like them....it shows me that I'm not alone in my thoughts!!

  2. I can so relate! Remember the lady that was 'caught' on video a few years ago reaching into the backseat of her car at the mall and literally 'shaking' her daughter? It really did look awful and probably was not something to joke about but what came out of my mouth was "wow....I have never done that but I'd be lying to say that there aren't days that I haven't felt like doing that"! lol... Anyone that knows me knows that I would never do that but I also know that you are exactly right...it's better to be honest about our frustrations...we are moms but we are people too...it's the people that hide these feelings that end up on video tapes shaking their kids! :) As far as teenagers?? I LOVE my daughter! But I can also tell you that she goes to college in 3 years, 5 months, 6 days and 3 hours! lol Absolutely LOVE your writing Meredyth!!! Tammy:)

  3. Thanks guys. Rough day today and last night. It is hard being "in it." I am not at the bar, not at da club and not galavanting around, I am a stay-at-home mom and sometimes I crack. But as you said, I would rather "crack" on FB, than on my kids!
    I try so hard, so so so hard to be a good mom, good wife, etc. and ya just never feel like you do enough some how.
    I just have to have confidence in myself and know that at the end of it all, at the very least, I can say I gave my 100% to my children and that I literally did MY best.
    That is all I can ask from myself.
    I don't deney that I am far from perfect, but I am here, I am present, I am trying.


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