To de-friend or not to de-friend...that's the question.

Yesterday someone commented about my blog on Facebook, although they had NOT read the blog posting.  Since, from their comment, I could tell they had not read the post, I said, read the blog and you will see what I am talking about.  So they said..."I've tried, I can never finish the article."  Ohhh Kaayyy... so why in the hell are you commenting on it?  Nobody said you had to comment? Nobody said that it is mandatory to comment on EVERYTHING you read on Facebook! 

So as I contemplated my post-flu, currently-pregnant, Facebook rant that I would post, I went back and forth as to what I would say, like "well, nobody asked you." OR, "so why in the heck are you commenting?" OR, "well, from a dip shit like you, I take that as a compliment!"  But, as I thought more about it, I decided to say nothing.  I even contemplated deleting his comment, but I left it there, taunting me, angering me, making me want to de-friend him from Facebook.

But honestly, I am the one writing this blog, for everyone and their brother to read and judge and NOT read, if they so choose.

So as I stew over here in New Jersey, wondering if de-friending is still a good and legitimate option, I think to myself, "WHY CARES?!"  OK, OK, I do, who am I kidding.  I want everyone in the world to like what I write, but their not going to.

So I guess the old saying still holds true, "If ya don't have anything nice to say, don't say it." Especially if you are 40 and deciding to purchase a Hummer when gas is over $3 a gallon....just sayin.

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