Stripper Poles and Blackberries

I am in no way saying that living with a pregnant woman is easy, on the contrary we can be hungry and ornery and slow getting around.  I get that.  But for the most part I am a pretty easy going pregnant woman with three kids.  However....

Last night while watching "Jersey Shore," one of the roommate's guests was using the stripper pole.  Well, while throwing himself around the pole, don't ya just know, the pole came detached from the ceiling and he and the pole flew across the room.  NOW, I kind of expected that this was going to happen, but when it happened I still gasp..ok, like this "AHHHHHH, oh my gosh!!!" typical reaction to a man being launched from a stripper pole...I think!

So JIM gets upset with me, "MEREDYTH!!!"

Just like that, I mean, WHAT?! A man just fell off a stripper pole, watta ya want from me?  I don't want someone to yell at me and get upset with me because I reacted to the TV.  It's not my fault Snookie and The Situation didn't sufficiently anchor the pole to the ceiling, which caused said fall!  I am just reacting! GEEZE! Give me a break here Jim!

So I got upset with Jim.

WHY YOU ASK?  Because, I already reacted.  The noise already came out of my mouth. What?  I can't suck it back into my head.  He was just mad because I startled him...I know it.

So then I said a few choice, "leave me the [heck] alone's." and "[forget] you's" because I don't want to be told how to react to the TV.

So, there it is.  Pregnancy? Not sure.  Adult-wanting-to-make-noise-if-they-want-to? Most likely.

So I took the whole insanity out on a pint of blackberries...don't mess with me....

I will react, I will yell, I will get hungry, this is the way of a woman.  This is the way of a pregnant woman, and if I want to scream when there are men falling off of stripper poles, well, guess what, that is my right.  Let's be honest, he should be glad it wasn't a real stripper in our family room, weirder things can happen.

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