Stop the insanity...oh and soccer to!

I am considering not signing my kids up to play soccer this Spring.  It seems that every season we are just so busy running around to practices during the week and then to the games on the weekend.  Every Saturday an 8 a.m. or 1:00 p.m. game, and then Emersyn's nap and the day is shot.  I just want to be able to have the opportunity to plan something besides SPORTS!

I hear more and more about families that run to this sport and that practice and it seems that nobody is sitting down anymore?  I know that this wrestling season I think I made about seven actual dinners!  SEVEN, in a month!  We just made it through a drive-thru or I would throw together chicken nuggets and french fries in the oven, and out the door we ran.

I just want to make plans to go to the beach for the day, or maybe drive up to NYC or go camping for the night and not be chained to A SOCCER GAME schedule...again!

Skylar is in Girl Scouts, Dance, Gymnastics, French Club and another leadership club at school.  Cody is in wrestling.  Emersyn goes with me to my mom's club's activities which include art time, music time, etc. and she is also in a mommy and me gymnastics.  I think that is a lot?!

I think there is just a time when you have to say "enough is enough" to all these activities and sports and schedules?  I think that we are just all running around trying to make our kids into SUPER PEOPLE before we look at family time and dinner time and going for a walk as being a productive activity to making our kids-- great!

I hear parents who have their five year olds in everything from Chinese to tennis!  These kids are scheduled and then rescheduled from one activity to another and there is no time to just sit, eat and relax. Everyone is trying to "well round" their kids and tell everyone how fabulous their kids are, when actually I see it as making their kids completely wacko!

Why do we always need to keep these kids  B U S Y?  Why does everyone need to be reading by five or a proficient chess player by six years old?

I see so many parents completely beside themselves that their kid isn't doing as well as this kid or that kid? Or that their kid isn't doing "this" well. IT'S OK!! It's ok that your three year old has a binky.  It's ok that your kid isn't speaking yet.  It's ok that your kid isn't able to write his name!!

Cody was so very sick when he was a baby.  He was delayed, he was tiny, he was skinny, he didn't eat by mouth FOREVER...and ya know what?! He gets straight A's and is athletic and kind, and smart and and and.  The thing is, these kids find their way.  They get there and they will become the next Michael Jordan if they are going to and not one push from mom will get them there, they have to do it on their own!

All kids need their parents to do is look at what they CAN DO!  That is the BEST thing I learned last year.  NEVER TALK ABOUT THE ONE THING YOUR KID CAN'T DO, FOCUS ON WHAT THEY CAN DO....PERIOD!!! Yes, we must get our children help if they need it, but we also need to understand that every kid develops at different speeds.  Emersyn could care less about coloring, but wow is she amazing about letters.  So do I sign her up for art? Do I sit with her at the kitchen table with paints? NOPE!

She'll figure it out, they all will.  Just like she will potty train, lose the binky and sleep in a bed..eventually.  So, I am thinking no soccer, no running, no insanity for a season. Perhaps just camping and the beach this Spring? Just take it down a level in the race to well-rounded-ness.....yeah, that's sounds really really good!

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