Please Don't Kill me...PLEASE!!!!

I usually pride myself on being a very hand's-on type of woman.  I finished my basement, built a wall out of 2x4's and drywall and used the gun that uses bullets!  I can tile floors, walls, showers, replace a toilet, fix a toilet and all while breastfeeding...kidding. But, those are things that I can do with no problem.

Sooooo we have a humidifier connected to our furnace and because of a tiny little leak, we can't use the humidifier.  My nose is as dry as a desert and I want to turn the humidifier on.  A while back we had a plumber here and he said that the nut just needed to be tightened, so, last night I figured I'd take care of our little problem....that was the plan anyway.

So out I went to the garage to get some tools.  First I grabbed a pair of pliers, didn't work, not enough torque.  Then I went for the big guns....vice grips!  So as I tightened the grips around the nut, I ever so gently turned and pushed and pulled and UH OH, the metal shut off valve that is connected to a plastic pipe on the other side started to come away from the plastic pipe.  This is really really not good.

As I saw what was beginning to unfold I quickly tried to PUSH the metal nut BACK onto the plastic pipe.  As I started to push the metal back up, the plastic pipe was having no more of my nonsense and HOLY CRAPPPPPP!!! WATTTTERRRRR!!! The metal shut off valve shot off the plastic pipe and water started shooting out at a hundred miles an hour.  EVERYWHERE!!!

I am standing there looking at the water SHOOTING out of this damn pipe, out across the laundry room, which by the way is a whole 4x3 foot room WITH WOOD FLOORS!! The water was shooting across the room at the laundry room door that leads into the garage and hitting the door with such force that water was now shooting all over the washer, dryer, me, the furnace, the hot water tank and all that water was fast and furiously making it's way to THE WOOD FLOORS!! For the love of God in Heaven I am a dead woman when Jim sees this. I HAVE NO idea how to shut the water off, I have no idea how to stop this insanity...please please please make it stop!! HOW CAN I STOP THE BLEEDING!!!! AHHHHH!!!

Emersyn just stood there starring at her ridiculously, non-plumbing, pregnant mom attempting to stop water...Just then I figured that I might as well open the door to the garage! I'd rather have water in the garage than in the laundry room.  Just as I was letting go of the pipes, Jim walks in from a nine hour work day and sitting at the airport for an hour waiting for Cody and Skylar's plane to land  (who never came home because of the snow) as he walked in the door and is looking down at Emersyn and waltzing into the house, I scream "PROBLEM!!!!"

He runs into the laundry room and THANK GOD, sees the shut off valve that shuts off the water to said pipe.

I'm soaked, the floor is soaked and Jim is going to kill me.  "What the heck happened?" he asked.  "Well, I wanted the humidifier to work so I was going to tighten the nut and all this happened..." water water water....please don't kill me...please don't kill me.....

So the plumber will be here at nine this morning and Jim just left with all of his work clothes to go take a shower at the gym.  When he shut off the valve to the spraying pipe from Hell, he shut off the hot water, so off the LA Fitness he went.  Oh, but if you attempt to turn on the hot water in the house, water gushes out the pipe?  So we have a pan teetering on top of the hot water tank.

I guess after all of this we will have a humidifier?  I did learn a few thing over this, plastic pipes are no match for a pregnant woman with no plumbing knowledge and a pair of vice grips...oh, and my husband, yeah, he's a saint!

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  1. I think all those problems are not really essential. We are alive! let us say: thanks my God.


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