God was here, I saw him

Yesterday Skylar "finally" got THE VIRUS... She started the barf-o-rama at about 7:00 p.m. and it continued till about 1:00 a.m.  Poor kid.  But again, in the darkness of THE VIRUS, there was so much light.

As Skylar rolled around the couch moaning that "it" was coming, Emersyn rubber her arm softly. As Skylar ran to the bathroom, Emersyn said "it's ok to throw up sissy!"  and as Skylar curled herself over the toilet, Emersyn rubbed her back and told her she loved her and that it was going to be ok.

I have seen God and it is in that place between two children where you can see love.  He has shown himself in a tiny little hand consoling her sister and in a few simple words.  God was here in my living room last night and I saw him in my baby girl.

I hear people say they want proof, a sign, a miracle of God to believe in him.  They test God and ask him to prove himself, but the proof is in the tiny actions found in daily life.  I saw God in my husband last night when he got up to check on Skylar at 1:00 a.m.  I saw God in Emersyn as she consoled her big sister, and I felt it in myself when I was compelled to help a friend.

That is where God lives, he lives everywhere.  The thing is, we are all made up of electrically charged atoms.  We are all just a bunch of spinning electrons.  What do you think powers that energy?  What do you think keeps that energy going?  It is God.  God is what is inside each and every one of us, all the time, every day, forever. It is really that simple.

When God said "what you do to the least of you, you do to me," this is why.  When God said "I am the beginning and the end," this is why.  God is in us, he is everywhere, he lives in us.  This is why when we stray from what we know to be right, we feel it.  We don't just THINK it, we actually feel it.  We know, we have to fight the good, we have to ignore what is ingrained in us, to be able to stray from it.

Why do you think you know it when you are in the presence of a "bad person?" Why do you think you get a "gut feeling" about things.  It is your body READING the external world.  It is your body's natural repel of bad, dangerous, evil, with no necessary thinking by you.  It is automatic.

When I swear and my kids are around, I feel it.  I feel my shoulders raise just a hair and my muscles tighten.  I know it is wrong, and God is in me giving me a little "jolt."

I have always wanted to do something great.  I have always wanted to do what God has wanted me to do, but I never felt that I was special enough to be "called" to do anything, but I was called to TBA.  I don't know how or why, but I was, and now I get to help people.

I know God is in my work, I can feel him.  I can feel the heat in me when I get to help a person, and I know I am doing good.  I can feel him when I am able to evaluate a person from 3000 miles away, and I know he is with me.  I can feel him when I hear a person tell me that I have helped them when nobody else was able to.  How is that possible? How is it possible that I can help a person that no medical professional has been able to help for a year?  Only through God.  I am only a mom, a wife and a crazy woman from Jersey.  Only through God.

God is here, he is in me.  He is in my family, he is here during the good and the bad.  I know it, I know he is what is keeping my electrons moving, he is what has brought me to TBA and he was in my baby girl last night as she rubbed her big sister's back.  God is here. How lucky we are.

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