Websites, Red Hair and Pancakes

I want to build a website for my new Homeopath Practice so I went on and there I began.  Now, I built on my own, trial and error along the way, but it was actually pretty easy.  Then I built my own community website (which I quickly realized was a complete pain to manage), but either way, I did it.  Now I want to make a 5-6 page website for a Health Care practice and it is insanly difficult? What gives?

Isn't it amazing how you can do one thing and it is so easy and do the exact same thing through a different company and it is impossible?  I am pretty sure that is why Bob Evans is so successful, CONSISTENCY!  Every time you go there, you know the blueberry pancakes are going to taste good, and know EXACTLY what they are going to taste like...CONSISTENCY!

But isn't consistency sort of the key to everything, child rearing, laundry, business, learning, hair name it.  But consistency isn't always easy to come by, you have to really really work at it.  I believe human nature makes us want to constantly "change it up."  I have a favorite sushi restaurant in Philly that Jim and I go to.  The first time we went there I ordered the most amazing sushi platter, and then I went back...and it's gone!  What the!!??

They just HAAADDDD to switch it up.  Why?  What was wrong with it?  Now I don't know what to order!  

Perhaps consistency is why diners in Jersey and Philly do so well?  Perhaps it is because Bill from down at the shipyards and Flo from Joey's Hair can waltz into the diner and order "the usual" and know that their lunch is going to be perfect and what they know they want.  No surprises, no difficulties, no thinking involved, just lunch.

And that is what I wanted.  I wanted to cut and paste and upload and be done....voila, website!  BUT NOOOOO, I couldn't paste, I couldn't move, I couldn't adjust....difficult, difficult, difficult!  So now I will move on to another website building company.  Perhaps Google makes a non-blog website builder?  If they do, I will find them, use them, give them my money and be done with it.

Google, what are they like $600 a share now?  But consistency is why.  You get a good product that is easy to set-up.  Bob Evans you get great pancakes and a nice medium blend coffee.  Hollister, you get accosted by cologne and loud music...ok, maybe not a great example, but you know what you are going to get when you walk through those doors.

Jim and I talk about this all the time.  People's desire to make things difficult, or people that feel they must reinvent the wheel?  What is that?  A person has to test drive a car or they won't buy and you have to make 70 calls a day or you won't sell tickets....this isn't rocket science!!! Can you imagine if your hair dresser wanted to just "switch it up!" Mother of Pearl Vera, Red? Don't you think we should have talked about this first???!!!

"Keep it simple stupid!"  Stop trying to sell me on the Intuit product where YOUR Company builds me a website, let me do it and you can have my $19 a month to do NOTHING, because NOW I am going to go find a website I can build myself...YOU'RE NOT BETTER THAN GOOGLE...$600 a share can't be wrong!

Keep it simple, Keep it consistent and collect cash...voila, success!

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  1. hey you used the term "child rearing"- i think you'll like my blog!
    cute post- like your writing style! following you via google friend and blogfrog- will you do the same? tks, kelli


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