We Need a Coalition of Mean Moms!

There is something magical about a snow day.

Skylar put Emersyn's PJ's on inside out so that we would be sure to have no school today (who knew?).  Jim was on the couch watching TV last night, praying for three feet so that he could stay home and sleep, and Cody is still upstairs sleeping, taking advantage of sleeping past his 6 a.m. alarm.

I, however, am wondering what I am going to do with these kids for the next 9 hours?

Jim's boss called to let him know that he couldn't close down the Flyers, so everyone should eventually be making their way to work today...too bad, I guess we didn't get quite enough snow?

So today on the menu is Shrinky Dinks, Foam Friends, coloring, perhaps going ice skating at the local skating rink...maybe a movie?  Who knows?  I will try and make it fun...Lord knows, all I want to do right now is go back to sleep.  But nobody so much cares what I want to do...it's not a snow day for mom, (there's no such thing!)

When we were little my mom would lock us out of the house till lunch with snow pants, jackets, mittens, hats, scarfs, boots and red cheeks and say "go play!"  and we did.  Now kids go out for an hour and "are cold!"  Geeze, build a fort or something, that's what we had to do to keep warm!

But those are memories I will have forever.  Being locked out, building shelter out of snow and ice, sitting inside our snow forts and "keeping warm."  That was fun!  Now kids just sit in the house playing video games...

Cody's up..fun's over...

Maybe I will lock the kids out today?  Problem is, I think our neighbors would yell if the kids used their snow to make a fort....no, I am not kidding!  Maybe that is the problem, not the kids, but the parents?  I could send my kids out to play, but they wouldn't have anyone to play with...all the other kids are inside!  That's what we need a "Coalition of Mean Moms" locking their kids out to .....GO PLAY!!!

THEN there would be a snow day for moms...The Coalition of Mean Moms in the house drinking hot toddies, eating Bon Bons and watching their kids build shelters to stay warm.  Our parents had it right, they knew what they were doing...kids outside, making memories, building forts, getting tired while they relaxed in the house...Now to begin the Coalition!

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  1. I don't even have kids and this sounds like a great idea :)

    I love my adult snow days!

  2. No, I agree. There IS no snow day for mom. I secretly grumble when people exclaim "It's Friday!", it means nothing to me. No breaks. Ever.

    Found your blog through BFF!

    Very cute! Congrats on your little one coming soon!

  3. you hit the nail on the head- and isn't it funny how everyone waits around for you to organize their day?


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