Lost Keys, Wacky Hair and No Shoes

It is amazing how little things can change your entire day...for example:
1) Jim can't find his keys today and had to take a spare,
2) I haven't picked up his dry cleaning...hence, he must pick it up on the way to work,
3) He spilled his coffee "everywhere" before he even left the driveway, and
4) He got a meeting reminder at 8:15 a.m. while sitting at the kitchen table for an 8:30 a.m. meeting?

I'm not thinking today is starting out to great for him, but that's me.

We aren't even sure what happened with Cody....for example:
1) He forgot his lunch money,
2) His dress shirt that he is suppose to wear to school on wrestling meet days was in a ball on the floor in the family room, and
3) His dress shoes are in the foyer?

And then there is Skylar:
1) She had me wrap her hair into a hundred pieces of cloth last night to curl it...we all know how that turned out, and
2) She came into our bedroom this morning, without knocking, looking for her glasses...we all know how that COULD have turned out, not sure if she ever found the glasses?

Emersyn is not awake yet, and my biggest issue at this time is this sciatica that chooses to come and go throughout the day, and how I am going to be at Cody's wrestling match and take Skylar to the orthodontist at the same time...but the day is young.  There are so many more hours for me to do something wacky.

But that is a family.  Chaos, insanity, fighting, love, commitment, loyalty and the undeniable desire to keep on trying.  We get bad news and get news everyday, but when all is said and done, we have each other.  No matter how bad Jim's day is at work, he always knows, when he comes home, I'll be there to love him and listen and understand.  Isn't that what we all want, just someone to be there to listen, to hold us and to tell us that "everything is going to be alright."

I know a family right now that is going through a lot of changes and chaos.  The kids are a mess and the mom is barely holding it together, and the thing is, she just needs to remind herself AND her kids, that everything will work out.  That everything will be OK, and that she is there for them.

"Skylar you will find your glasses,"  "Jim, this meeting thing will work out and yes, one day you will run a team," and Cody, "You are going to be a great wrestler and will learn all the moves you need to know."  Peace...

Sometimes, even if it just because of spilt coffee or forgotten lunch money, we all need to be reminded that everything will eventually be ok, because usually, it is.  Unless of course your mother put a hundred pieces of cloth in your hair to curl it, then the only thing that will help is water and to start all over....but I guess, that's ok to!

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