Looking the Devil in the Eye

This is the beginning of the potty search.  The time in you and your child's life where you visit, search out and find every potty, at every store, mall and restaurant in the tri-state area, and we are here.  I can't say I am excited about this coming adventure, but you can start calling me Jaque Potty-steau on the street now.

We have found ourselves at day three of potty training, although I am beginning to feel that it is NOT Emersyn that is being trained, but me?  I am the one watching the clock for 1/2 past, so that we can zoom off to the potty, and I am the one reading book after book so she can "not" concentrate.  But, it is all working and we only had one accident yesterday (day 2), so I am thrilled.

The crazy thing that has happened over these last two days is that Emersyn and I have really bonded.  I think BOTH of us have realized we looked the devil in the eye...and won!

At the end of day 1 we were both so exhausted that Emersyn just colapsed in my arms and layed there...exhausted, spent and totally stressed.  I, of course, was right there with her.  We were at battle, we were together and we were bonding...over a toilet and some new Dora panties.

The whole family has been amazing.  Yesterday I went to Cody's wrestling match and Skylar stayed with Emersyn...alone, with the potty, and the clock and the potty insert.  They both did amazing, and honestly, I needed the break.  Everyone is cheering for "peeing in the potty" and nobody as loudly as Emersyn, it is so cute.

But isn't that just life?  We go to battle to achieve, learn and work, cheering along your loved ones and seeing the rewards on the other side?!  All the while, coming closer together through the hours logged, batteling exhaustion and defeating the enemy.

Today is day three of the potty training and I am seeing the light at the end of this tunnel.  We may even venture to the gym, although I have to admit, I am nervous.  I am not nervous that she will have an accident, but that we will move past our bonding moment, move past our books and hours spent stairing at each other.  It has been kind of cool somehow?

I would have never guessed it.

So today I think we will leave the house.  We will have our extra panties, pants, socks and shoes...just in case, but we can do this.  We will begin to forage for toilets and clean restrooms across Pennsylvania, New Jersey and eventually New York.  We will begin descerning between a good store (Old Navy with their own restroom) and a bad store (Ikea, no restrooms for miles, literally), and shop accordingly.

Every mom has been here, I guess I am just the lucky one that got to do it this week.  Me, my Emersyn and Dora, batteling it out, fighting the good fight and winning. But hey, we are winners, and the pee in the potty proves it.

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  1. Oh Meredyth, we are there too! But I am not nearly as brave as you!!! We have not ventured away from diapers yet. We just visit the potty at every diaper change.
    My thoughts are with you on this journey!! : )

  2. Day 5 and no poo on the potty yet....I want to go back to diapers soooo bad. Emersyn was the one that doesn't cause me stress...now I am so stressed about her pooping and peeing I am going to have an attack...ug


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