Learning, Blunders and What I do

Yesterday I had my first real customers and I have to say it was very exciting.  I made remedies for a dog, a baby and a grown woman and it was very rewarding to know that I am helping these three individuals.  Now I get to wait and see how they respond to their remedies and if they notice an improvement to their health and the individual issues the remedies are addressing.  How exciting!!

The thing is, as I practice more and more in TBA, I find more and more inspiration to continue.  And although I do look forward to one day making a living at this, as for now,  it is so interesting to be learning more and more about the body, illness, the manifestation of emotions and hereditary passed-down weaknesses.  Every body and every situation is so different, but I am finding, over and over again, so many connections that share the same patterns.

I am finding that many times a person with eye problems will have a connection to a weakness in their bladder and then also a connection to hair.  I have also found so many people that are taking over the counter medications or prescriptions that are actually harming their bodies, or at the very least, doing nothing at all for them.

Last month I learned a great lesson, truly by accident.  I (because curiosity got the best of me) did a quick evaluation on a child in a group I am in.  I found a weakness in his pancreas and he tested as having an issue with his insulin.  The information was bubbling inside of me like a volcano and I was dying to tell his mother so that we could get him some help.  As we came to a point in the meeting where she and I could talk I began to basically blurt out this information.  Now I must tell you that she and I are not friends, nor do I believe that she even knows what I do, but she looked at me horrified.  She never asked me to asses her child, nor did she understand what my practice is and as a result she was confused, angry and at the very least panicked that her son has some sort of diabetes.

I did my very best to calm her down and explain that a weakness isn't the same thing as an out and out disease and that I would be happy to help her and her son for no charge, as she didn't ask for this evaluation.  She declined, looked at me like I was the Antichrist and told me she would take him to his pediatrician.  I figured that at least someone would help this kid, even if it wasn't me, someone would.  Problem solved.

Kill me now, seriously...

As I talked with Jim and another friend of mine about my recent BLUNDER, Jim expressed his concern over my inability to explain what I do and told me I needed to work on that.  As I spoke to my friend, she explained to me that it is not MY RIGHT to just tell people what is wrong with them, just because I can tell, or know.  She told me that they need to ask for my help before I am allowed to just give it.  She explained to me that to tell, to give unsolicited advice, without the person's approval, is inappropriate, at best.

Lesson learned, advise taken and dully noted!

Now I try and be very aware of giving information to people, unless they CLEARLY ask for it.  I now understand that not everyone is open to my type of practice and honestly many people have no desire to know what is wrong with them.  Most people just want to keep on living the way that they do; unaware, sick, damaging their bodies and on a path of illness.

So for now, I have some real people that want to change their lives.  People that want to journey towards health, people that want to be aware of their bodies and not ignore what is happening inside their bodies .  I am so inspired by my own husband and children who are interested in what I do and are open to being evaluated and taking the remedies.  It is so exciting to me, to be a part of their health and wellness.  I know this year I will work deeper into my practice and learn more and more about people, illness, wellness and TBA and will help more and more people heal themselves.


I am proud to be a part of the solution and not a part of the problem.  I am proud that this "career" has called me to be a part of it and I am excited to see how I can help people help themselves walk away from the pills and the surgeries, and towards the body's natural ability to heal itself.  What a great year 2011 will be.

For more information on what I do, please visit http://www.hcmionline.com

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