I Think He Is Giving A "Thumbs Up?"

So we went to the Baby Doctor Appointment last night and we are, so far, having a healthy, one pound, baby ???????  So no, we didn't find out what the sex is.  I left it entirely up to Jim and he decided not to find out, for now.  We have another opportunity in about 10 weeks to "ruin" the surprise, (kidding Jim).

Jim stood there looking into the ultrasound machine, rubbing my arm, deliberating whether or not finding out would "ruin" it.  So I put it like this.....

"If you really want a boy (which I know he does) and it is a girl, you may be a little disappointed.  BUT, if it is a girl and you see her, you will be happy either way."  I think that made the decision for him.  I mean I know he wants a healthy, happy, nice baby whatever...but let's face it, what man doesn't secretly long for a mini-me?

So we still don't know what is cooking in here.  I was pleasantly surprised, I weighed 4 pounds less than I thought I would.  I guess walking on the treadmill and eating oatmeal everyday is working...for now.  I still am curious how the baby only weighs 1 pound and I have gained 16 pounds? hmmm...something in the math there isn't quite right?

I do feel that weighing a pregnant woman is cruel and unusual punishment.  Seriously, not only do I have to get ON the scale, the nurse actually made sure the scale leveled off and asked, "do you see what it says?"  UH, yeah, it clearly states whale, I got it, I'm huge and someone may harpoon me in the lobby...I got it, thanks....

THEN, she takes my blood pressure (I feel a MUCH more important number), and fails to tell me EVERY MONTH!! Why do I have to ask her THAT number, but if it were possible to RUB the scale in my face, she would have?  CRUEL AND UNUSUAL PUNISHMENT!

But life is good.  We saw the head, heart, toes, arms, legs and a cute little ear.  Perfection.  The baby is in the 70% percentile.  Oh yeah, he/she is already being judged against his/her peers.  These kids today don't get off to easy, the race has already begun.  So now all to do is eat, pee, walk and wait another 18 or so weeks.  I am thinking Memorial Day.  That would be a fun birthday...parades, BBQ's, picnics and red, white and blue outfits!  FUN!  Oh, but wait, that means that I will be in the hospital THIS Memorial Day....hmmm? Perhaps the Friday before, that way I can FINALLY have that beer I have been craving!

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  1. Meredyth, congratulations! So excited for you! We never had the problem of not finding out. Our girls weren't very modest. Thanks for following me on BlogFrog and I hope everything continues to go well!

  2. Hi Meredyth,
    What exciting news, and what a miracle! New life, new blessings... so much new joy in store.

    With my last child, I had a midwife, and chose not to know. I prayed for a girl, and now I have a beautiful Abigail (Abi).

  3. We have an Abi as our beautiful red-headed niece! She is hysterical and smard!
    Yes, this is our last...I think?!
    Thanks for visiting!

  4. Mer, I am so happy for you and your family. I love to read all your blogs. Your posts rock!! Wishing you a continued healthy pregnancy. Happiness and love to you always!!

  5. I love ultasounds!! I too hated the weigh-in with a passion! Congrats Meredyth!! Can't wait to see some pics of the little one!!


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