Boot Camp for Emersyn

There are some things in life that I was not meant to do...

1) teach my kids to ride a bike
2) potty train
3) clean barf
4) maintain a savings account

These things I know about myself, and today we are potty training.  A fate worse than death, and no, I am not being dramatic.

I have a friend that is from England and use to be a nanny and she has given me the tools to potty train Emersyn.  She calls it Potty Training Boot Camp...or at least that is what I heard come out of her mouth.  We stay home for about four days where Emersyn wears zero diapers, only underwear.  That's it.  You expect accidents, you expect to visit the bathroom a hundred times, but at least you are not running to the Sears' bathroom from across the mall...hence the staying home part.

So here we are.  We went to Target, bought the potty inserts, bought the panties and we are home.  I figured we would take advantage of the snow and work on this whole potty thing.  I can't get drunk, I might as well potty train?

We have kids books in the bathroom and I am wearing sweats, a perfect potty training situation.  Oh, and Cody and Skylar have a snow day so we have three people manning Emersyn's butt, someone has to be there to put her on the least that is my hope.

If it were available, I would send Emersyn away to a Potty Training Boot Camp, for real.  Think about the beauty of this concept!  You drop off your diaper-wearing toddler and four days and $500 later you pick up your potty trained child.  The idea is beautiful!  Tell me you wouldn't pay for that?! Hey, I am ready for someone to train my teen to be an adult and I can't even begin to tell you what that costs!

Maybe I am being ridiculous here?  I mean every mother in America has done this, it can't be that bad.  The thing is, I am sick of changing poopy diapers, I am over it.  Oh, and there is another baby coming and I am NOT having two kids in diapers...NOT HAPPENING!

Oh, you are probably wondering how Cody and Skylar were potty trained. Well, about that, Cody and Skylar went to an in-home babysitter when they were little.  They only went a couple days a week while I finished my degree, and she trained them.  I am not kidding, she was amazing...

HEY, that gives me an idea, I can ship Emersyn to Ohio and have Debbie train her...oh, I am being ridiculous here..I can do this, or Skylar can....

UG...I just asked Emersyn if she has to go potty and she said "no, I am watching Super Why!" (on TV).   This is going to be a long four days...

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  1. My potty training boot camp is called Goddard School (daycare)! Of course, he'll go on the potty every time for them, but never for me.

    Good luck!!

  2. When I potty trained my kids I had them on the toilet every 20-30 minutes. Even if they said they didn't need to go. It is a pain in the rear process, but it's doable! Good luck!

  3. Good luck! We ended up w a princess potty for Claire-which we had many stickers to add to it and each time she went she got to add a sticker. Oh, and the other main part- the princess potty was in the family room-where we always are... Mark thought it was crazy but it worked!!!! Tammy;)

  4. We made it through day one. We were both exhaused and emotionally spent. This to shall pass...I hope.
    Thanks for all the words of advise. Shannon, the every 30 mintues thing has been a life saver...THANKS!!!!


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