How I know Santa is Real

Today Jim started his day out pretty rough.  He couldn't find his watch, which we are panicked that Cody took to school, as a joke.  Then he put his coffee cup on the roof of his car and drove away, only to break the LAST to-go mug that was clean.  Thus, no coffee for him en-route to work today.  But in all of this....

Emersyn is still sleeping at 9:20 a.m?!

Why is it that when you want them to wake up because the oatmeal is made, I took my shower, we have a morning play date, they sleep, and when you are begging for just a "few more minutes" on a Saturday or Sunday morning...they are up at 7:00 a.m.?!

What is it about Mondays? What is it about going to the bathroom at a restaurant and your food comes?  What is it about "the last place you look" is always were "it" is?

But then on the other side of life, how is it, just as I think we aren't going to have enough money to do something completely and totally necessary, the money shows up?  How is it that an appliance can be on its last leg, until you get that extra money from somewhere, and then it dies...just as you have enough money to fix it?

I've heard about families without enough food, that wake up to bags and bags of groceries on their front porch.  I've listened to countless tales of hope and prayers answered, just in the nick of time.  What is it about the universe or God or life, that shows up, just when you can't do it one more minute?

Every time I can't take one more second of the stress of my kids, it seems they goes to visit their dad.  Mind you, it could be that a week before they go to Ohio, both kids are lunatics and therefore I have had it by the end of the week, who knows, it just seems to work that way.  Then, while they are away, somehow I always manage to watch about three different movies, shows or whatever about a mother and her son, or a son that is struggling, or a family working together to make their family work?  I sit on the couch smiling each and every time because I know I am being sent a message.  I know that I am meant to watch that show so that I can "do it again."  The universe is pulling me by the hand, God is walking next to me and life is helping me through my struggles.

Looking back on all of these signs, miracles, examples of hope and the endless barrage of life's little wonders, is why I can believe.  It is why I know Santa, and God and hope and the Tooth Fairy and all of it exist.  It is HOW I know that Santa will bring gifts each and every year for my kids.  Because without Santa, without hope and without the little miracles that keep that dishwasher going just "one more month" everything wouldn't work out, just so.

So when I hear parents tell their kids that Santa or the Easter Bunny doesn't exist, to me, it is a lie, because, it is Santa, it is God, it is all that is good and right with the world and the hope and belief behind all of those things that are good and kind and full of love, that make the money there, that make the ears on a chocolate rabbit and the sparkle of snow on Christmas morning.  It is there that Santa exists.

Santa will always exist for me.  Santa will always be real.  Because I will always do my best to have hope, and love and see the miracle of everyday life.  Maybe on Christmas Eve we can't see Santa, perhaps Santa can't even visit every year, but I know that the feeling you get on Christmas morning, the way your kids' voices raises up just a little higher when they yell "mom, dad, Santa came!!" that is where the magic is, that is why I believe and that is why I will always believe...because I GET TO!

Perhaps it is the believe that the money will be there, perhaps it is the belief that you will find the money for the gifts that brings them? I am not sure, but I know to NOT believe is sad.  To lose that gift of belief,  to stop believing that "it will all work out as it should" would be dark and sad and hopeless.  To not be able to race down the steps Christmas morning to see if Santa ate the cookies and drank the mink, to not believe that there is at least one present you knew "nothing about" would be, hopeless.

There is always a chance that nothing will work out.  There is always a chance that everything will go wrong and there is always a chance that there is absolutely no reason for any of "this."  I, however, have always been able to look back on my life and understand why everything that happened, happened.  I can see that through it all, I have grown, made it, turned out ok and moved forward in an upward and positive way.  I have always believed, I have always trusted and I have always known that God and the universe would grab me by the hand and carry me to the next place.

So that is how I know Santa is real,  who else would buy these kids all this garbage the kids don't need?

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