Oh The Taste of Spoiled Milk

I asked my Facebook friends a while back how they knew they were done having kids and I think my cousin, Dina summed it up best.  She said "if you aren't sure...you're not done."  And, well, I guess I just wasn't sure, and either was Jim.  

Ok, so let's be very very clear---I AM 100% POSITIVE NOW...AFTER THIS ONE, WE ARE D.O.N.E.!

It is weird the way that works.  One minute you are unsure and all wishy washy and the next minute you completely understand the way the world spins and why and what color...and yeah, that you are done.

The good thing is, if anyone asks if we are having anymore kids I can harpoon them with a whaling gun.  I mean, really people, isn't 4 kids where everyone stops asking if you are going to bring any more "little angels" into the world...let's be real people, I've done my part in repopulating the world...and then some.

So don't even consider asking.  

I really can't see how women do this at 50?  I was telling my mom the other day, in between nausea and exhaustion, the reason women STOP having babies at 40 isn't because they don't want more kids, but more has to do with the fact that they realize that there is a better way to live other than PREGNANT, sick and exhausted.  They get that they are done with the days when no clothes fit and they have a temper fuse the length of an ant's...well, leg.

I just want an Oktoberfest beer, I want to not have the sick taste of spoiled milk on my tongue all day, and I want to have patience with life again.  I am sure my family agrees with at least the last one.  

Don't get me wrong, I am sure once this little bundle of Willits lands on this planet I am going to be oblivious to the last nine months, but I have to tell you...if we could hurry this little adventure in baby cooking along, I would pay BIG bucks.

Until then, I will just have to keep waking up and telling myself that "today is going to be great," spoiled milk isn't that bad of a flavor and I have plenty of time to loose the baby weight at 39...hey the older you get the easier it is to lose...RIGHT?!  

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  1. oh...the wonderful joys of pregnancy...brushing your teeth..increased sense of smell..the annoyance of anyone who speaks (especially those with comments on how to raise your little one even BEFORE they are born) the "glow" of being pregnant (the only glow i had was a red face after i got done puking my guts out) and did i forget the feeling of "i just sat down at a buffet and haven't left for 9 months feeling!!! Can ya tell that i am DONE having kids too! Janeen

  2. lol...you know when you know. Yeah, and now I know. I can last 7 more months...of course, but barf-o-la...yuck!

  3. Women in wars, fields, poverty, disease have had babies and done great. Enjoy this last time and relish all that encompasses. So happy for all.

  4. People in wars loose their legs everyday, and I don't want to do that either...lol...just because something happens, doesn't make it fun.


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