It's not easy to leave this!

Every morning when Jim heads out for work, Emersyn and I are sitting at the kitchen table, eating breakfast together.  She is usually eating a huge plate of oatmeal with a side of chocolate "milk" and I am usually enjoying oatmeal with a side of coffee.

As Jim begins his final decent out the door, he heads over to Emersyn to give her a kiss goodbye.  We have been doing the same thing for so long, she now leads him in our morning ritual.

Emersyn:  "Kiss mama."

Jim:           "oh, kiss mama, ok...."  *kiss*

Emersyn:   "By dada...hab a good no e e e emailing.....wub you....dwibe dada..."

These are of course things I have been saying to him as he walks to the front door to leave for work, and now she is telling him the you...have a good day.

It's a small thing to send your partner off in the morning, but I know Jim wouldn't have it any other way. Sure there have been times when I have slept right through him leaving for work, but when I have, I feel like I missed something, like something isn't quite right.  I feel like I missed my opportunity to see him and tell him "no safely!" Because if I don't say these things something, of course would happen...I save his life you know.

I think it is the little things like giving a kiss goodbye, making an extra cup of coffee, not complaining about the socks on the floor, that make a marriage.  I think that sending your spouse out into the world with a positive view on their home, their life and their family is so important.  A happy home keeps them coming back without that stop at the bar three nights a week.  It keeps them from golfing all the time and wanting to spend every weekend with their friends.

What a warm feeling it must be to have all those thoughts of "by dada...wub you," floating through his head all morning. Work is hard enough in a day without "and you better....I hope you forgot to....when you get home you better..."  Who wants to come home to that?

If you don't walk your spouse to the door in the morning, try it.  Perhaps even stand at the door until their car pulls away (they love that)!  Perhaps have a cup of coffee waiting for them when they come down to the kitchen in the morning.  (Obviously, if you are the first to leave you can't wave goodbye, but the coffee can happen).

When Jim leaves first and I am not downstairs, he will set-up the coffee cup, coffee, and maybe even write me a little note.  When he went out of town for 2 days, he wrote each of us a note...that kind of stuff goes so far.

It is the little things.  It matters to kids and it matters to adults.  It is so easy and will come back to you 10 fold.  Just ask Emersyn, all she has to do is say "no no texting dada..." and she ends up with 1000 kisses! It is just that easy!

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  1. This thing needs a like button! I am so lucky because I have a husband that is awesome even when his wife is a bit on the snippy side once in while! Thank you!

  2. Mer I completely agree!! I don't have to be up in the morning when Kevin leaves, but I get up just to say good-bye and give him a hug and kiss as he he starts his day! Sure I'd love to still be sleeping, but I wouldn't miss sending him off for anything! I'm also a firm believer on not going to bed without telling each other we love each other, we may be mad at each other, but we always say "love you", you never know what may happen in the night....


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