I'll work on YOUR problems, First!

Individuals are no different than countries, religions, states, or nations.  We all think we know how to do "it" best and we all feel that we each have all the answers.  Problem is...WE DON'T!

One of my favorite things that I learned in college was about Africa.  A group of missionaries went to Africa on a "helping" mission and learned that the people in Africa built their fires inside their homes.  They lived in dome-shaped homes with a whole cut out of the middle of the top.  The Africans would build a fire in the center of the home so that the smoke would filter out of the top of the hut.

The missionaries saw this and helped the Africans by telling them how the smoke from the fire would cause lung cancer, explained how the fires would burn down their homes and how dangerous this practice of having the fire IN the home was.

The Africans decided to listen to the smart, forward-thinking, evolved American missionaries and took the fires OUT of their homes.  The missionaries didn't want to hear that there was ZERO incidence of lung problems in the African people, that there was never any issue of fire in the homes and that they never had any problems with the fires at all...AND THAT THEY HAD BEEN DOING IT THIS WAY FOR THOUSANDS OF YEARS!!!   The Africans just listened to the do-gooder missionaries and removed the fires to the outside of their homes.

The fire served so many purposes.  The fire being IN the home was not just because it was more convenient for the Africans, it kept them warm, and safe from animals and most importantly IT KEPT MOSQUITOES AWAY!!!

HELLO PEOPLE!!! Roughly 2 million Africans die annually from Malaria a YEAR!!  Our genius idea of moving the fire to the outside of the home has killed and is killing millions of people a year.  I think we just need to start minding our own business.  WE DON'T KNOW EVERYTHING...contrary to what we may want to believe.

Millions and millions of dollars are being thrown at the malaria problem each year.  From $10 nets to vaccines, we are working and spending tirelessly to fix what wasn't broken in the first place.

My dad has a saying that I really like.  He says "unsolicited advice is rarely taken and almost always resented."  There is so much truth in this.  The thing is, if you don't LITERALLY walk in my shoes or live in my house, you really can't judge, have an opinion or give me advice, because you just don't totally understand WHY I do what I do.

I think the best thing we can do as individuals, countries, religions, states, or nations, is mind our own darn business and realize we don't have all the answers.  We need to stop being do-gooders and start fixing our own problems, in our own homes, in our own countries and religions.  We need to look in the mirror and start asking, "WHAT DO I NEED TO FIX?!"  before we start wagging our fingers at our neighbors, friends and fellow countries.

We need to ask ourselves..."DO I HAVE MY CRAP STRAIGHT?" and go from there.  Because if we started fixing our own problems before we started working on everyone else, the world wouldn't need much help.

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  1. My cousin recommended this blog and she was totally right keep up the fantastic work!

  2. WOW! thanks for the feedback! Glad you like it, tell you're friends :)


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