I Passed My Test with Flying Colors...Sort of.

Written September 26, 2010:

We decided on vacation that we would try for ONE MORE BABY. You see, Cody and Skylar are from my first, no, second, well, whatever marriage and so Jim and I have only conceived Emersyn, not that Emersyn is an "only" in any way shape or form.  Now that    was    on    August     31st   people so I figured we had till at least January as it took sex, I mean six months to get pregnant with Emersyn. (Side note, I want you all to know I really did type sex, laughed and left it).

So we did our thing..... and the computer-baby-calendar said I could test on Sunday and well, we were at the grocery store so I bought a test, well, I actually bought 3 tests because that is how they sell them now because they have learned that women are nuts and think they are always pregnant OR that once they see they are prego, they need a back-up to retest and see that little plus sign...on more than one test.

I was OH SO ENJOYING my Octoberfest beer. I really can't even tell you, DE-LISH and I was like, I have to pee, I think I will try it? and soo yeah...

So Emersyn was crying, not exactly the sales pitch for a new baby, and so she came upstairs looking for me and so I called Jim to come upstairs.  I handed Emersyn the pee test, maybe not the cleanest of ideas but I was at a loss as to how to tell Jim in a cute way,  so Emersyn handed him the test.

POSITIVE! We are pregnant! 5:00 p.m.

He cried, I actually think he was in shock.

10:00 p.m. -- Before we went to bed I asked Jim "hey, grab that test and make sure it still says I am pregnant." Oh, no WHAT THE HELL?! Oh my gosh, we just told the kids and his mom?! AND NOW IT SAYS NEGATIVE???!!

What if we looked to early, what if I am not really pregnant and the plus sign was just there because I peed to much on it?! We will have to tell the kids false alarm, we will have to crush his mom and tell her I AM NOT REALLY PREGNANT AND I AM A MORON THAT CAN'T READ A FREAKING PREGNANCY TEST!! ARE YOU KIDDING ME WITH THIS?!?! 

And now I am going to have to go to sleep? Why did I have him look at that?? Fortunately I was exhausted so I went to sleep in moments.  I did, however, wake up at 5:00 a.m. and re-tested.  So...

We are having a baby people!! #4!!

Now we have 7 1/2 months to sell our house. The house that we were supose to sell when I was pregnant with Emersyn. The house that is way to small for five of us, and now is going to be a disaster if we have to cram six in here.

Side note: We did the ring test and the ring told us we are having a BOY! I must tell you, I believe that thing!?! I put it above Jim, Cody and Skylar's hands and each time it showed that they were the corresponding sex.  I mean, I put it above Cody's hand and it swung back and forth and then above my hand, complete circle..you can try it on anyone. And your hand gets like a warm tingling feeling..SO amazing..

So there it is. And No, this is not going to turn into a "I'm so swollen, the baby is kicking, I can't go to the bathroom, blog" I don't think? I'm personally not into those AT ALL. I mean I may complain about not being able to drink or that crowd surfing at the Blue October concert was a little tough with the ol baby bump, but that is where I want to go with this.

And yes, I am telling you all before I am three months.  AND I'm Irish, I'm new school, whataya want?  I figure I might as well tell people I am pregnant and let you all send me happy thoughts and prayers, because if something were to happen, I would tell you that? And then you would all be like "we didn't even know she was pregnant?!" So why not.

It hasn't even sunk in yet honestly, except that I couldn't have any more Octoberfest beer, that made it all pretty real.  We found out September 26th, but I figured I would wait till at least my first doctor's appointment to post the news.

October 27, 2010, we saw the heartbeat and all seems to be going well. Yeah us!

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